%WEBVERSION Set version on website % % OUT = WEBVERSION(VERSION,TOOLBOX,FTPSITE) % %Creates a file TOOLBOX_version.txt containing just the VERSION number on %FTPSITE. FTPSITE should be created by the @FTP package andchanged to the %proper directory. function out = webversion(version,varargin) [toolbox,ftpsite] = setdefaults(varargin,'prtools',[]); if isempty(ftpsite) ftpsite = ftp('prtools.tudelft.nl','prlab','0iX7&b3c'); cd(ftpsite,'httpdocs/files') end versionfile = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)),[toolbox '_version.txt']); fid = fopen(versionfile,'w'); fprintf(fid,['Version ' version ' ' date]); fclose(fid); s = mput(ftpsite,versionfile); delete(versionfile) if nargout > 1 out = s; end