function [B, ll] = randomforestc2(A, W) %RANDOMFORESTC Random forest Classifier % % W = RANDOMFORESTC2(A, L) % % INPUT % A Dataset % L Number of trees % % OUTPUT % B Random forest classifier % % DESCRIPTION % % name = 'randomforestc2'; if ~exist('classRF_train', 'file') error('Please download code from'); end % Handle untrained calls like W = randomforestc2([]); if nargin == 0 || isempty(A) if nargin < 2 W = 100; end name=['randomforestc2_' num2str(W)]; B = prmapping(mfilename); B = setname(B, name); return; % Handle training on dataset A (use A * loglc2, A * loglc2([]), and loglc2(A)) elseif (nargin == 1 && isa(A, 'prdataset')) || (isa(A, 'prdataset') && isa(W, 'double')) if nargin < 2 W = 100; end name=['randomforestc2_' num2str(W)]; islabtype(A, 'crisp'); isvaldfile(A, 1, 2); A = testdatasize(A, 'features'); A = setprior(A, getprior(A)); [~, k, c] = getsize(A); % Train the logistic regressor rf = classRF_train(+A, getnlab(A), W); B = prmapping(mfilename, 'trained', rf, getlablist(A), k, c); B = setname(B, name); % Handle evaluation of a trained RANDOMFORESTC2 W for a dataset A elseif (isa(A, 'prdataset') && isa(W, 'prmapping')) || (isa(A, 'double') && isa(W, 'prmapping')) % Evaluate [~, votes] = classRF_predict(+A,; A = prdataset(A); B = setdata(A, votes, getlabels(W)); ll = []; % This should not happen else error('Illegal call'); end end