1 | function [w,I] = lessc(x, C, ftype, include_bias) |
2 | %LESSC Least Error in Sparse Subspaces classifier |
3 | % |
5 | % |
6 | % Train a linear classifier which also performs feature selection. |
7 | % In this version we do: |
8 | % min \sum_i w_i + C*delta_i |
9 | % s.t. forall_i w^T f(x_i) > 1 - delta_i |
10 | % sum_i |w_i| = 1 |
11 | % where f(x_i) is in principle free, but as a start we use the nearest |
12 | % mean idea: |
13 | % |
14 | % f(x_i) = (x-mu2).^2 - (x-mu1).^2 |
15 | % See for further definitions of f(x_i) lessfx. |
16 | % |
17 | % Dxd 15-3-2004 |
18 | prtrace(mfilename); |
19 | |
20 | if (nargin < 4) |
21 | % To include a bias term in the model, we extend the number of features |
22 | % by one: |
23 | include_bias = 0; |
24 | end |
25 | if (nargin < 3) |
26 | prwarning(3,'Use default function fx.'); |
27 | ftype = 1; |
28 | end |
29 | if length(ftype)>1 |
30 | include_bias = ftype(2); |
31 | ftype = ftype(1); |
32 | end |
33 | if (nargin < 2) |
34 | prwarning(3,'C set to one'); |
35 | C = 1; |
36 | end |
37 | if (nargin < 1) | (isempty(x)) |
38 | w = mapping(mfilename,{C,ftype,include_bias}); |
39 | w = setname(w,'LESS classifier'); |
40 | return |
41 | end |
42 | |
43 | |
44 | if ~ismapping(C) % train the mapping |
45 | |
46 | % Unpack the dataset. |
47 | islabtype(x,'crisp'); |
48 | isvaldset(x,1,2); % at least 1 object per class, 2 classes |
49 | [m,k,c] = getsize(x); |
50 | |
51 | if c == 2 % two-class classifier |
52 | |
53 | % get -1/+1 labels: |
54 | nlab = getnlab(x); |
55 | y = 2*nlab-3; |
56 | |
57 | % train and apply the feature mapping: |
58 | par = lessfx(ftype,x); |
59 | f = lessfx(par,x); |
60 | |
61 | if (include_bias) |
62 | f = [f ones(m,1)]; |
63 | k = k+1; |
64 | end |
65 | |
66 | % In the LP formulation, we define the free parameter vector as: |
67 | % [delta; w] |
68 | % setup the constraints: |
69 | yf = -repmat(y,1,k).*f; |
70 | % standard version when we have Ax<b and Aeq x = b; |
71 | A = [-eye(m) -(+yf)]; |
72 | b = -ones(m,1); |
73 | %Aeq = [zeros(1,m) ones(1,k)]; beq = 1; |
74 | %if (include_bias), Aeq(1,end)=0; end |
75 | Aeq = []; beq = []; |
76 | % function to optimize: |
77 | c = [repmat(C,1,m) ones(1,k)]; |
78 | %c = [ones(1,m) repmat(C,1,k)]; |
79 | if (include_bias), c(end) = 0; end |
80 | % upper and lower bounds: |
81 | lb = zeros(m+k,1); |
82 | if (include_bias), lb(end) = -inf; end |
83 | ub = repmat(inf,m+k,1); |
84 | |
85 | % optimize |
86 | if (exist('glpkmex')==3) |
87 | [out,dummy]=glpkmex(1,c',A,b,repmat('U',m,1),lb,[],repmat('C',m+k,1)); |
88 | else |
89 | out = linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub); |
90 | end |
91 | w = out((m+1):end); |
92 | |
93 | % find out how many features are relevant: |
94 | if (include_bias) |
95 | I = find(abs(w(1:(end-1)))>1e-8); |
96 | nr = length(I); |
97 | else |
98 | I = find(abs(w)>1e-8); |
99 | nr = length(I); |
100 | end |
101 | |
102 | % Store the classifier |
103 | W.extend = include_bias; |
104 | W.par = par; |
105 | W.w = w; |
106 | W.nr = nr; |
107 | w = mapping(mfilename,'trained',W,getlablist(x),size(x,2),2); |
108 | w = setname(w,'LESS classifier'); |
109 | |
110 | else % multi-class classifier: |
111 | |
112 | %error('Multiclass not implemented yet'); |
113 | w = mclassc(x,mapping(mfilename,{C,ftype,include_bias})); |
114 | v = w.data{1}.data{1}.data.w; |
115 | for i=2:length(w.data) |
116 | v = v + w.data{i}.data{1}.data.w; |
117 | end |
118 | I = find(abs(v)>0); |
119 | |
120 | end |
121 | else |
122 | % Evaluate the classifier on new data: |
123 | W = getdata(C); |
124 | |
125 | % It is a simple linear classifier: |
126 | if (W.extend) |
127 | out = [lessfx(W.par,x) ones(size(x,1),1)]*W.w; |
128 | else |
129 | out = lessfx(W.par,x)*W.w; |
130 | end |
131 | |
132 | % and put it nicely in a prtools dataset: |
133 | w = setdat(x,sigm([out -out]),C); |
134 | |
135 | end |
136 | |
137 | return |