%KANNC 1-Nearest Neighbor Classifier using ANN Matlab Wrapper % % W = KANNC(A,,K,OPTION) % % INPUT % A Dataset % K Number of desired neighbours % OPTION Options for ANNQUERY % % OUTPUT % W NN classifier using the ANN Query package % % DESCRIPTION % This is the nearest neighbor implementation for PRTools using the ANN % Matlab Wrapper package. It should be in the path. If needed download it % http://webscripts.softpedia.com/scriptDownload/ANN-MATLAB-Wrapper-Download-33976.html % % SEE ALSO % MAPPINGS, DATASETS, ANNQUERY, KNNC % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@prtools.org % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function out = kannc(a,knn,opt) prtrace(mfilename); annquerycheck; name = 'KANNC'; % No input data, return an untrained classifier. if nargin < 3, opt = []; end if nargin < 2, knn = 1; end if (nargin == 0) | (isempty(a)) out = mapping(mfilename,'untrained',{knn,opt}); out = setname(out,name); elseif isdataset(a) & ~ismapping(knn) % training islabtype(a,'crisp'); isvaldfile(a,1,2); % at least 1 object per class, 2 classes a = testdatasize(a); a = testdatasize(a,'objects'); a = seldat(a); % get labeled objects only [m,k,c] = getsize(a); v.data = a; v.knn = knn; v.opt = opt; out = mapping(mfilename,'trained',v,getlablist(a),k,c); out = setname(out,name); elseif nargin == 2 & ismapping(knn) % execution % to avoid confusion, rename trained mapping w = knn; v = +w; % get datafield [k,c] = size(w); nlab = getnlab(v.data); J = annquery(+v.data',(+a)',v.knn)'; n = size(J,1); % no of test objects J = nlab(J); if size(J,2) == 1 out = zeros(2,n); out([1:2:n*2]+J'-1) = ones(1,n); out = out'; else out = hist(J',[1:c])'; end % Use Bayes estimators for posteriors out = (out+ones(size(out,1),c))/(v.knn+c); out = setdat(a,out,w); else error('Illegal input') end