function K = inckernel(par,I,J); %INCKERNEL Kernel definition for incsvdd % % K = INCKERNEL(PAR,I,J); % % Computation of the kernel function for the incremental SVDD. It is % assumed that there is a global variable X_incremental, containing the % objects. This is to avoid unnecessary overhead for very large % datasets. Therefore we will also not use the 'standard' ways to comute % the kernel (i.e. proxm). % % The kernel is defined by PAR. We assume that PAR is a structure % containing: % PAR.type the kernel type % 'kernel' | 'k': X_incremental(I,J) % 'polynomial' | 'p': sign(xI*xJ'+1).*(xI*xJ'+1).^s % 'exponential' | 'e': exp(-(||xI-xJ||)/s) % 'radial_basis' | 'r': exp(-(||xI-xJ||.^2)/(s*s)) % 'sigmoid' | 's': sigm((sign(xI*xJ').*(xI*xJ'))/s) % 'distance' | 'd': ||xI-xJ||.^s % And the special case: % 'inline' | 'i': use s as an inline function % PAR.s the free parameter, % when more than 1 free parameter is required, then par.s % can be a vector of length 2 or more. % The index vectors I and J indicate between which objects in % X_incremental the kernel should be computed. % % See also: incsvdd, proxm % Copyright: D. Tax, R.P.W. Duin, % Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands if nargin<2 I = []; J = []; end global X_incremental; if isempty(X_incremental) error('No data matrix X_incremental defined'); end if isa(X_incremental,'dataset'); error('Please make X_incremental a normal matlab array'); end A = X_incremental(I,:); B = X_incremental(J,:); switch par.type case {'kernel' 'k'} if isempty(I) & isempty(J) K = X_incremental; else K = X_incremental(I,J); end case {'polynomial' 'p'} K = A*B'; [n,d] = size(A); [m,d] = size(B); if par.s ~= round(par.s) K = K + ones(n,m); K = sign(K).*abs(K).^par.s; elseif par.s ~= 1 K = K + ones(n,m); K = K.^par.s; end case {'sigmoid' 's'} K = A*B'; if length(par.s)>1 K = sigm(K/par.s(1) + par.s(2)); %DXD: I need this sometimes else K = sigm(K/par.s); end case {'exponential' 'e'} K = sqeucldistm(A,B); J = find(K<0); K(J) = zeros(size(J)); K = exp(-sqrt(K)/par.s); case {'radial_basis' 'r'} K = sqeucldistm(A,B); J = find(K<0); K(J) = zeros(size(J)); K = exp(-K/(par.s*par.s)); case {'inv_radial_basis' 'i'} K = sqeucldistm(A,B); J = find(K<0); K(J) = zeros(size(J)); K = exp(sqrt(K)/par.s); case {'distance' 'd'} K = sqeucldistm(A,B); J = find(K<0); K(J) = zeros(size(J)); if par.s ~= 2 K = K.^(par.s/2); end case {'inline' 'i'} error('Sorry, this does not work yet.'); case {'combp1s2'} K = sqeucldistm(A,B); J = find(K<0); K(J) = zeros(size(J)); K = exp(-K/(2*2)); K = par.s*A*B' + (1-par.s)*K; otherwise error(sprintf('Unknown proximity type: %s',par.type)) end return