function out = impaint(fig,varargin) % out = impaint(fig) % % Create an overlay on the current active image and allow for painting the % overlay. % Possible calls: % impaint(h,'on'); start the overlay % impaint(h,'off'); remove the whole overlay % impaint(h,classnr,[r g b]); define a new class with colour [r g b] % out = impaint(h,'get'); get the label image out % % You can leave out h, then the current active figure is used. % % There are also some interactive changes that you can make: % t toggles impaint on and off % Nc selects another class label (prefix this command with the % class number N) % Nb sets the brush size to N (prefix this command with the brush % size N) % s save the current labels in Matlab variable 'lab' % % See also im_update % When nothing is defined: if nargin<2 varargin = {'on'}; end % Special case, because an integer can be interpreted as a handle, we % assume that when a single input is given, it is actually a label if nargin==1 if isnumeric(fig) varargin{1} = fig; fig = gcf; end end if nargin<1 fig = gcf; end % make sure that the first input is the figure handle: if ~ishandle(fig) varargin = {fig varargin{:}}; fig = gcf; end % Check if we want to get/set the active class, or (re)define a class: if isnumeric(varargin{1}) allUD = get(fig,'userdata'); if ~isfield(allUD,'impaint') error('This image does not have an overlay defined.'); end UD=allUD.impaint; % our part of UD if length(varargin)==1 % we want to set/get the active class if varargin{1}>size(UD.msk_fg,1) error('This class is not defined in the overlay.'); else UD.currlab = varargin{1}; end % and (maybe more important) get the labels to the output if nargout>0 out = UD.labels; end else % we want to set the colours % We can process a whole list of colours... for i=1:2:(length(varargin)-1) [nr,clr] = checkimpaintcolor(varargin{i},varargin{i+1}); UD.msk_fg(nr,:) = clr; % Definition of the active label UD.currlab = nr; end end % store everthing in the figure: set(fig,'UserData',[]); allUD.impaint=UD; set(fig,'UserData',allUD); return; end % Now check all the 'string' possibilities: switch lower(varargin{1}) case 'on' % Set up variables: allUD=get(fig,'UserData'); % existing user data UD = []; % Here I store the UserData % Put the image on screen UD.im_ax = findobj(get(fig,'children'),'type','axes'); UD.im_im = findobj(get(UD.im_ax,'children'),'type','image'); % get the size of the image sz = size(get(UD.im_im,'cdata')); %set(fig,'busyaction','cancel','DoubleBuffer','on'); % Label storage: UD.labels = zeros(sz); % background has label=0 UD.labsize=size(UD.labels); % Mask image if length(sz)==2 mskim = zeros([sz 3]); elseif length(sz)==3 mskim = zeros(sz); else error('I cannot make a mask image for this image data.'); end %mskim(1:50, 1:140, 1) = 1; % just to show something... % Definitions of the fore- and background colour if length(varargin)==3 [nr,clr] = checkimpaintcolor(varargin{2},varargin{3}); UD.msk_fg(nr,:) = clr; % Definition of the active label UD.currlab = nr; else UD.msk_fg = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]; % standard: the first class is red. % Definition of the active label UD.currlab = 1; end UD.msk_bg = [0 0 0]; % Definition of the brush-size UD.brushsz = 4; % define character command buffer: UD.charbuffer=''; UD.state='on'; % impaint is toggled on % make a second axis for the overlay: UD.pos = get(UD.im_ax,'position'); UD.msk_ax = axes('position', UD.pos); set(fig,'currentaxes',UD.msk_ax); UD.msk_im = imagesc(mskim); set(UD.msk_ax,'visible','off'); msk2 = findobj(get(UD.msk_ax,'children'),'type','image'); set(msk2,'alphadata',0.5); % set the window title: set(fig,'Name',sprintf('imprint on, brush: %d, class: %d',UD.brushsz,UD.currlab)); % to speedup coordinate transformations later: = sz; UD.W = sz(2)./UD.pos(3); UD.H = sz(1)./UD.pos(4); UD.pos(3) = UD.pos(3)+UD.pos(1); UD.pos(4) = UD.pos(4)+UD.pos(2); % now we have to define a callback oldh.btndown=get(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn','im_update(''fill'')'); oldh.btnup=get(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn'); set(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn','im_update(''stopfill'')'); oldh.keypress=get(fig,'KeyPressFcn'); set(fig,'KeyPressFcn','im_update(''keypress'')'); % preserve previously set handlers UD.oldhandlers=oldh; % store everthing in the figure: set(fig,'UserData',[]); allUD.impaint=UD; % set our substructure in UD set(fig,'UserData',allUD); out=fig; return case 'get' allUD = get(fig,'userdata'); if ~isfield(allUD,'impaint') error('This image does not have an overlay defined.'); end out = allUD.impaint.labels; return case 'off' % Remove all the traces from the image: allUD = get(fig,'userdata'); if ~isfield(allUD,'impaint') error('This image does not have an overlay defined.'); end UD=allUD.impaint; delete(UD.msk_ax); % restore old handlers set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn',UD.oldhandlers.btndown); set(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn',UD.oldhandlers.btnup); set(fig,'KeyPressFcn',UD.oldhandlers.keypress); rmfield(allUD,'impaint'); set(fig,'userdata',allUD); return end return function [nr,clr] = checkimpaintcolor(nr,clr) if ~isnumeric(nr) error('The class number should be a scalar.'); end if (length(nr)~=1) error('The class number should be a scalar.'); end if ~isnumeric(clr) error('The color definition should be 1x3 matrix.'); end if (length(clr)~=3) error('The color definition should be 1x3 matrix.'); end if any(clr<0) error('Colour values should be larger than 0.'); end if any(clr>1) error('Colour values should be smaller than 1.'); end % make it a nice row vector: clr = clr(:)'; return