function R = change_R(R,c,beta,gammac) % R = change_R(R,c,beta,gammac) % % Auxiliary function for the incremental SVDD, see there. % Copyright: D.M.J. Tax, % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands % Note that n is one larger than set S, because of the % added parameter b at the beginning! n = size(R,1); % In some unfortunate cases the gamma_c can be very very small (like 0), % and in these cases we don't want to blow up the whole thing. Therefore % we define a small eps and define that as the smallest gamma_c % possible. smalleps = 1e-12; if c>0 % we add object c to R if abs(gammac)>smalleps R = [R zeros(n,1); zeros(1,n+1)] + ... ([beta;1]/gammac)*[beta' 1]; % Improve the numerical stability (overflow) for large beta and % gammac, by first dividing by gammac and then multiplying again % by beta. % Fix suggested by Mauro Del Rio else warning('dd_tools:change_R:DivideByZero','We are about to divide by 0.'); R = [R zeros(n,1); zeros(1,n+1)] + ... ([beta;1]/(sign(gammac)*smalleps))*[beta' 1]; end else % we remove object c from R c = -c; % ok, get rid of the sign Irm = [1:c,c+2:n]; if R(c+1,c+1)>smalleps % whatever... R = R(Irm,Irm) - R(Irm,c+1)*R(c+1,Irm)/R(c+1,c+1); else R = R(Irm,Irm) - R(Irm,c+1)*R(c+1,Irm)/smalleps; end end