function [w,returnA,r2] = auclpm(x, C, rtype, par, unitnorm, usematlab) %AUCLPM Find linear mapping with optimized AUC % % W = AUCLPM(X, C, RTYPE, PAR) % % Optimize the AUC on dataset X and reg. param. C. This is done by % finding the weights W for which the ordering of the objects mapped % onto the line defined by W, is optimal. That means that objects from % class +1 is always mapped above objects from the -1 class. This % results in a constraint for each (+1,-1) pair of objects. The number % of constraints therefore become very large. The AUC constraints can % be subsampled in different ways: % % RTYPE PAR % 'full', - use all constraints % 'subs', N subsample just N constraints % 'subk', k subsample just k*#trainobj. constraints % 'knn' k use only the k nearest neighbors % 'xval' N subsample just N constraints and use the rest to % optimize C (this version can be very slow) % 'xvalk' k subsample k*#trainobj and use remaining constraints % to optimize C % 'kmeans' k use k-means clustering with k=PAR % 'randk' subsample objects to get PAR*(Npos+Nneg) constraints % % W = AUCLPM(X, C, RTYPE, PAR, UNITNORM) % % Finally, per default the difference vectors are normalized to unit % length. If you don't like that, set UNITNORM to 0. % % Default: RTYPE='subk' % PAR = 1.0; prtrace(mfilename); if (nargin < 6) usematlab = 0; end if (nargin < 5) unitnorm = 1; end if (nargin < 4) par = 1.00; end if (nargin < 3) rtype = 'subk'; end if (nargin < 2) prwarning(3,'Lambda set to ten'); C = 10; end % define the correct name: if unitnorm cl_name = sprintf('AUC-LP %s (%s) 1norm',rtype,num2str(par)); else cl_name = sprintf('AUC-LP %s (%s)',rtype,num2str(par)); end if (nargin < 1) | (isempty(x)) w = mapping(mfilename,{C,rtype,par,unitnorm,usematlab}); w = setname(w,cl_name); return end if ~ismapping(C) % train the mapping % Unpack the dataset. islabtype(x,'crisp'); isvaldset(x,1,2); % at least 1 object per class, 2 classes [n,k,c] = getsize(x); % Check some values: if par<=0 error('Parameter ''par'' should be larger than zero'); end if c == 2 % two-class classifier: labl = getlablist(x); dim = size(x,2); % first create the target values (+1 and -1): % make an exception for a one-class or mil dataset: tnr = strmatch('target',labl); if isempty(tnr) % no target class defined. tnr = strmatch('positive',labl); if isempty(tnr) % no positive class defined. % we just take the first class as target class: tnr = 1; end end y = 2*(getnlab(x)==tnr) - 1; tlab = labl(tnr,:); % makes the mapping much faster: X = +x; clear x; %---create A for optauc rstate = rand('state'); seed = 0; [A,Nxi,Aval] = createA(X,y,rtype,par,seed); rand('state',rstate); if unitnorm % normalize the length of A: lA = sqrt(sum(A.*A,2)); lenn0 = find(lA~=0); % when labels are flipped, terrible % things can happen A(lenn0,:) = A(lenn0,:)./repmat(lA(lenn0,:),1,size(A,2)); if ~isempty(Aval) % also normalize the length of Aval: lA = sqrt(sum(Aval.*Aval,2)); lenn0 = find(lA~=0); Aval(lenn0,:) = Aval(lenn0,:)./repmat(lA(lenn0,:),1,size(Aval,2)); end end %if nargout>1 % returnA = A; %end orgA = A; % negative should be present for the constraints: A = [A -A]; % take also care for the xi: A = [A -speye(Nxi)]; %A = [A -eye(Nxi)]; %---create f % NO, do this later, maybe we want to optimize it! %f = [ones(2*k,1); repmat(C,Nxi,1)]; %--- generate b b = -ones(Nxi,1); % no zeros, otherwise we get w=0 % the constraint is changed here to <=-1 %---lower bound constraints lb = zeros(2*k+Nxi,1); % should we run over a range of Cs? if ~isempty(Aval) M = 25; xtr = zeros(M,1); xval = zeros(M,1); C = logspace(-3,3,M); % run over all the Cs for i=1:length(C) %---create f again: f = [ones(2*k,1); repmat(C(i),Nxi,1)]; %---solve linear program if (exist('glpk')>0) & ~usematlab [z,fmin,status]=glpk(f,A,b,lb,[],repmat('U',Nxi,1),... repmat('C',size(f,1),1),1); elseif (exist('glpkmex')>0) & ~usematlab [z,fmin,status]=glpkmex(1,f,A,b,repmat('U',Nxi,1),... lb,[],repmat('C',size(f,1),1)); else opts = optimset('Display','off','LargeScale','on','Diagnostics','off'); z = linprog(f,A,b,[],[],lb,[],[],opts); end constr = Aval*(z(1:k)-z(k+1:2*k)); % the number of satisfied constraints (=AUC:) I = find(constr<-0); if ~isempty(I) xval(i) = length(I)/size(constr,1); end constr = orgA*(z(1:k)-z(k+1:2*k)); % the number of satisfied constraints (=AUC:) I = find(constr<-0); if ~isempty(I) xtr(i) = length(I)/size(constr,1); end end if nargout>1 returnA = xval; if nargout>2 r2 = xtr; end end [minxval,mini] = max(xval); C = C(mini); message(4,'Optimum C = %f\n',C); end %---create f f = [ones(2*k,1); repmat(C,Nxi,1)]; %---solve linear program if (exist('glpkmex')>0) & ~usematlab prwarning(7,'Use glpkmex'); param.msglev=0; [z,fmin,status,xtra]=glpkmex(1,f,A,b,repmat('U',Nxi,1),... lb,[],repmat('C',size(f,1),1),param); alpha = xtra.lambda; else [z,fmin,exitflag,outp,alpha] = linprog(f,A,b,[],[],lb); end %---extract parameters u = z(1:k); u = u(:); v = z(k+1:2*k); v = v(:); zeta = z(2*k+1:2*k+Nxi); zeta = zeta(:); %if nargout>1 % returnA = zeta; %end else error('Only a two-class classifier is implemented'); end % now find out how sparse the result is: %nr = sum(beta>1e-6); rel = (abs(u-v)>0); nr = sum(rel); % and store the results: %W.wsc = wsc; W.u = u; %the ultimate weights W.v = v; W.alpha = alpha; W.zeta = zeta; = nr; W.rel = rel; W.C = C; w = mapping(mfilename,'trained',W,tlab,dim,1); w = setname(w,sprintf('%s %s',cl_name,rtype)); else % Evaluate the classifier on new data: W = getdata(C); n = size(x,1); % linear classifier: out = x*(W.u-W.v); % and put it nicely in a prtools dataset: % (I am not really sure what I should output, I decided to give a 1D % output:) w = setdat(x,out,C); %w = setdat(x,[-out out],C); %w = setdat(x,sigm([-out out]),C); end return