function location = mput(h,str) %MPUT Upload to an FTP site. % MPUT(FTP,FILENAME) uploads a file. % % MPUT(FTP,DIRECTORY) uploads a directory and its contents. % % MPUT(FTP,WILDCARD) uploads a set of files or directories specified % by a wildcard. % % All of these calling forms return a cell array listing the full path to the % uploaded files on the server. % Matthew J. Simoneau, 14-Nov-2001 % Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. % Make sure we're still connected. connect(h) % Figure out where the files live. [localDir,file,ext] = fileparts(str); filename = [file ext]; if isempty(localDir) localDir = pwd; end remoteDir = char(h.jobject.printWorkingDirectory); % Set ascii/binary switch char(h.type.toString) case 'binary' h.jobject.setFileType(h.jobject.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); otherwise h.jobject.setFileType(h.jobject.ASCII_FILE_TYPE); end if strfind(filename,'*') % Upload any files and directories that match the wildcard. d=dir(fullfile(localDir,filename)); listing = {}; else listing = {filename}; end location = {}; iListing = 0; while (iListing < length(listing)) iListing = iListing+1; name = listing{iListing}; localName = strrep(fullfile(localDir,name),'/',filesep); if isdir(localName) mkdir(h,name); d = dir(localName); for i = 1:length(d) next = d(i).name; if isequal(next,'.') || isequal(next,'..') % skip else listing{end+1} = [name '/' next]; end end else % Check for the file. fileObject =; if ~fileObject.exists error(message('MATLAB:ftp:NotFound', localName)) end % Upload this file. fis =; status = h.jobject.storeFile(name,fis); fis.close; % Error if the upload failed. if (status == 0) code = h.jobject.getReplyCode; switch code case 550 error(message('MATLAB:ftp:UploadFailed', name)); case 553 error(message('MATLAB:ftp:BadFilename', name)); otherwise error(message('MATLAB:ftp:FTPError',code)); end end % Build the list of files uploaded. location{end+1,1} = [remoteDir '/' name]; end end