function h = ftp(host,username,password) % FTP Create an FTP object. % FTP(host,username,password) returns an FTP object. If only a host is % specified, it defaults to "anonymous" login. % % An alternate port can be specified by separating it from the host name % with a colon. For example: ftp('') % Matthew J. Simoneau, 14-Nov-2001 % Copyright 1984-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2008/11/04 21:20:59 $ % Our FTP implementation uses code from the Apache Jakarta Project. % Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. error(javachk('jvm','The FTP object')) % Short-circuit cases. if (nargin == 0) % All MATLAB objects need a default constructor. It is useless, though. % Immutable fields. h.jobject =; = ''; h.port = 21; h.username = ''; h.password = ''; % Mutable fields. Use StringBuffers so these will act as references. h.remotePwd = java.lang.StringBuffer(''); h.type = java.lang.StringBuffer('binary'); % Make the cast. h = class(h,'ftp'); return elseif isa(host,'ftp') % If given an FTP object, give it back. h = host; return end % Agrument parsing error(nargchk(1,3,nargin)) switch nargin case 3 % Everything passed in. case 1 % Default to anonymous login username = 'anonymous'; password = ''; otherwise error('MATLAB:ftp:IncorrectArgumentCount','Incorrect number of arguments.') end % Immutable fields. h.jobject =; colon = find(host==':'); if isempty(colon) = host; h.port = 21; else = host(1:colon-1); h.port = str2double(host(colon+1:end)); end h.username = username; h.password = password; % Mutable fields. Use StringBuffers so these will act as references. h.remotePwd = java.lang.StringBuffer(''); h.type = java.lang.StringBuffer('binary'); % Keep track of passive/active mode % Added by Idin Motedayen-Aval h.passiveMode = java.lang.StringBuffer('p'); % Make the cast. h = class(h,'ftp'); % Connect. connect(h)