function varargout = dir(h,str) %DIR List directory on an FTP server. % DIR(FTP,DIRECTORY_NAME) lists the files in a directory. Pathnames and % wildcards may be used. % % D = DIR(...) returns the results in an M-by-1 % structure with the fields: % name -- filename % date -- modification date % bytes -- number of bytes allocated to the file % isdir -- 1 if name is a directory and 0 if not % datenum -- MATLAB serial date number % % Because FTP servers do not return directory information in a standard way, % the last four fields in the structure may be empty or some items may % be missing. % Matthew J. Simoneau, 14-Nov-2001 % Copyright 1984-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. % Make sure we're still connected. connect(h) narginchk(0,2) if (nargin < 2) str = '.'; end ftp=h.jobject; ftp.setDataTimeout(15000); % in milliseconds listing=[]; try remoteFileList=ftp.listFiles(str); catch remoteFileList = []; end form = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'); %form = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat.LONG,java.util.Locale.US); for i=1:length(remoteFileList); file=remoteFileList(i); listing(i,1).name=char(file.getName); if nargout == 1 listing(i,1).bytes=file.getSize; listing(i,1).isdir=~logical(file.isFile); cal=file.getTimestamp; if isempty(cal) % A user reported this coming back empty, see g575311. listing(i,1).date = ''; listing(i,1).datenum = []; else listing(i,1).date=char(form.format(cal.getTime)); yr=cal.get(cal.YEAR); mon=cal.get(cal.MONTH) + 1; day=cal.get(cal.DATE); hr=cal.get(cal.HOUR_OF_DAY); min=cal.get(cal.MINUTE); sec=cal.get(cal.SECOND); listing(i,1).datenum=datenum(yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec); end end end % For Window's FTP server, listFiles is empty. Just get the names. if isempty(listing) names=ftp.listNames(str); for i=1:length(names) listing(i,1).name=char(names(i)); listing(i,1).date=''; listing(i,1).bytes=[]; listing(i,1).isdir=[]; listing(i,1).datenum=[]; end end switch nargout case 0 disp(' '); if ~isempty(listing) disp(convertListToColumns(char(; end disp(' '); case 1 varargout={listing}; end %================================================================================ function list=convertListToColumns(list) % Pad the list out with two extra spaces to separate the columns list=[list ' '*ones(size(list,1),2)]; % Calculate the number of columns that fit on the screen windowWidth=get(0,'CommandWindowSize')*[1;0]; numberOfColumns=floor(windowWidth/size(list,2)); if (numberOfColumns==0) numberOfColumns=1; end % Calculate the number of rows and pad out the remaining column rows=ceil(size(list,1)/numberOfColumns); pad=rows*numberOfColumns-size(list,1); list=[list;' '*ones(pad,size(list,2))]; % Reshape the list into the columns (trick from Zhiping) [r,c]=size(list); [I,J]=find(ones(rows,r*c/rows)); ind=sub2ind(size(list), floor((J-1)/c)*rows+I, rem(J-1,c)+1); list=reshape(list(ind),rows,r*c/rows);