1 | %ZOO Animal recognition by boolean features
2 | %PRTools UCI dataset import, 101 objects, 16 features, 7 classes
3 | %
4 | % A = ZOO
5 | %
7 | %This command downloads one of the UCI data sets, converts it into PRTools
8 | %format and stores it locally for future use. Consult the <a href="http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Zoo">related website</a>
9 | %for further information. Please make the appropriate references in
10 | %publications that make use of this dataset.
11 | %
12 | %The animal names can be retrieved by GETIDENT(A,'animal').
13 | %The feature names can be retrieved by GETFEATLAB(A).
14 | %
15 | %SEE ALSO <a href="http://prtools.tudelft.nl/prtools/">PRTools Guide</a>, <a href="http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/">UCI Website</a>
17 |
18 | % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin
19 |
20 | function a = zoo
21 |
22 | a = pr_download_uci('Zoo');
23 |
24 | f = dset2cell(a,1);
25 | a = setident(a(:,2:end),f,'animal');
26 |
27 | featlab = {'hair','feathers','eggs','milk','airborne','aquatic', ...
28 | 'predator','toothed','backbone','breathes','venomous','fins','legs', ...
29 | 'tail','domestic','catsize'};
30 | a = setfeatlab(a,featlab);
31 | a = setname(a,'Animal Recognition');
32 | a = setuser(a,'A simple artificial database containing 17 Boolean-valued animal attributes','desc');
33 | a = setuser(a,'https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/zoo/zoo.names','link');