%WAVEFORM1 Waveform Database Generator (Version 1) Data Set %PRTools dataset import from UCI, 5000 objects, 21 features, 3 classes % % A = WAVEFORM1 % %DESCRIPTION %This command downloads one of the UCI data sets, converts it into PRTools %format and stores it locally for future use. Consult the related website %for further information. Please make the appropriate references in %publications that make use of this dataset. % %REFERENCE %Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A., & Stone,C.J. (1984). %Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth International %Group: Belmont, California. (see pages 43-49). % %SEE ALSO PRTools Guide, UCI Website function a = waveform1 % UCI data is Z-compressed. No Matlab command found for uncompressing. % Load zipped data from PRTools. url = 'http://37steps.com/data/prdatasets/waveform.zip'; a = pr_download_uci('Waveform+Database+Generator+(Version+1)',url); a = setname(a,'Simple Waveform Data');