%PR_READDATASET Convert text file into PRTools dataset % % A = PR_READDATASET(FILE,NHEAD,DELIM,MISVAL,FORMAT,NLAB) % %INPUT % FILE - filename % NHEAD - number of headerlines to be skipped, default 0 % DELIM - delimiter characters, default ' ' % MISVAL - character used for missing values, default '?' % FORMAT - format needed for interpreting feature types of columns. % default is determined from first line, e.g. 'nncc' for two % numeric and two categorical features, see SETFEATDOM and % PR_CELL2DSET % NLAB - feature to be interpreted as class label, default []. % %OUTPUT % A - PRTools dataset % %SEE ALSO %DATASETS, SETFEATDOM, PR_CELL2DSET % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin function a = pr_readdataset(file,varargin) [nhead,del,misval,form,flab] = setdefaults(varargin,0,' ','?',[],[]); [fid,msg] = fopen(file); if fid < 1 error(msg) end if isempty(form) % if no format given ... for j=1:nhead+1 s = fgetl(fid); % derive it from the first nonheader line end s = mytextscan(s,'c',del,0); % use all %s for time being form = getform(s); % convert fields to %n where appropriate fseek(fid,0,-1); % restart end c = mytextscan(fid,strrep(form,'n','s'),del,nhead); a = pr_cell2dset(c,form,misval); if ~isempty(flab) a = feat2lab(a,flab); end return function s = mytextscan(fid,forms,del,nhead) form = repmat('%%',1,numel(forms)); form(2:2:end) = forms; forms = strrep(form,'c','s'); if del == ' ' s = textscan(fid,forms,'Headerlines',nhead); else s = textscan(fid,forms,'Delimiter',del,'Headerlines',nhead); end if ~ischar(fid) fclose(fid); end return function form = getform(s) s = char(s{1}); form = repmat('n',1,size(s,1)); for j=1:size(s,1) if ~isempty(regexp(s(j,:),'[^0-9+-.eE ]','once')) form(j) = 'c'; end end return