%PR_LOADMATFILE Load matfile for this mfile, if it exist % % A = PR_LOADMATFILE(MATFILE) % % Loads the dataset stored in the matfile. Default matfile is the name of % the calling routine. The output A is empty if MATFILE does not exist. % % [A1,A2,..] = PR_LOADMATFILE(MATFILE,NARGOUTCOUNT) % % In case multiple matfiles are stored for the calling routine, it is % assumed they all contain a dataset: train set, test set, validation set, % etcetera. In case NARGOUTCOUNT (NARGOUT of the calling routine) equals 1, % the combined dataset is loaded and returned in A (A1). % In case NARGOUTCOUNT > 1, the subsets are are loaded into A1, A2, ... % % SEE ALSO % DATASETS, PRDATASETS, PR_SAVEMATFILE, PR_DOWNLOAD_UCI function varargout = pr_loadmatfile(name) varargout = cell(1,nargout); if nargin < 1 || isempty(name) name = pr_callername; end matfile = fullfile(fullfile(fileparts(which(name)),'data'),name); if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = loadmatf([matfile '.mat']); else for i=1:nargout varargout{i} = loadmatf([matfile '_' num2str(i) '.mat']); end end return function a = loadmatf(matfile) if exist(matfile,'file') == 2 warning('OFF','MATLAB:indeterminateFields'); s = prload(matfile); warning('ON','MATLAB:indeterminateFields'); fields = fieldnames(s); a = s.(fields{1}); a = pr_dataset(a); % take care of prtools4 and prtools5 datasets else a = []; end return