%PR_DOWNLOAD_UCI Load UCI data and convert to PRTools format % % [A,B, ...] = PR_DOWNLOAD_UCI(UCIDIR,DNAMS,OPTIONS) % % INPUT % UCIDIR Name of desired UCI repository directory % DNAMS Character cell array of UCI data files names to be downloaded % or some full urls. % OPTIONS Structure with options for parsing, see PR_DOWNLOAD % OPTIONS may also be a cell array with options, one for every % data file. Common fields may be defined in an additional % element of the cell array. % % DESCRIPTION % This routine loads data sets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. % and converts them into PRTools datasets. The downloaded files are stored % as .dat-files, the PRTools datasets as .mat-files in the directory of % this routine. The file names of the calling routine are used. Various % annotations are stored in the user-field of the PRTools datasets. % % This routine also accepts an old, undocumented format. % % EXAMPLE % opt.nheadlines = 5; % [a,b] = pr_download_uci('Image+Segmentation', ... % {'segmentation.data','segmentation.test'},opt); % % SEE ALSO PRTools Guide % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com function varargout = pr_download_uci(name,varargin) %% %% handle old format if nargin > 3 || (nargin == 3 && ischar(varargin{2})) %if ~(nargin == 3 && (iscell(varargin{2}) || isstruct(varargin{2}))) varargout = cell(1,nargout); [varargout{:}] = pr_download_uci_old(name,varargin{:}); return end %% get inputs: data files (ucinames) and parse options [ucinames,opt] = setdefaults(varargin,{[lower(name) '.data']},[]); if ~iscell(ucinames) ucinames = {ucinames}; end if iscell(opt) if numel(opt) == numel(ucinames)+1 % multiple structures to combine, opt{end} is common for n=1:numel(opt)-1 % copy the common fields into the other stuctures M = [fieldnames(opt{end})' fieldnames(opt{n})'; ... struct2cell(opt{end})' struct2cell(opt{n})']; opt{n} = struct(M{:}); end elseif numel(opt) ~= numel(ucinames) error('Number op option-structures is wrong') end else opt = repmat({opt},1,numel(ucinames)+1); end % Now opt{n} should correspond to ucinames{n} %% where to store: names of data file, mat file and directory comname = callername; % filenames datadir = callerdir; % directory if isempty(comname) % call from command line comname = name; datadir = pwd; end datadir = fullfile(datadir,'data'); varargout = cell(1,numel(ucinames)); % might be too large, will be corrected %% if matfiles available, use them [varargout{:}] = pr_loadmatfile(comname); if ~isempty(varargout{1}), return; end %% get UCI info data = parselink(name); url = data.url; %% Handle for all data files anynew = false; for j=1:numel(ucinames) uciname = ucinames{j}; if strcmp(uciname(1:4),'http') % full url given, use it data.url = uciname; else % construct url from UCI info data.url = [url uciname]; end if numel(ucinames) > 1 dataname = [comname '_' num2str(j)]; else dataname = comname; end % opt{j}.dsetname = dataname; savemat = ~isfield(opt{j},'matfile') || opt{j}.matfile; opt{j}.matfile = false; opt{j}.delimeter= ','; opt{j} = fielddef(opt{j},'dsetname',callername); a = pr_download(data.url,fullfile(datadir,dataname),opt{j}); a = setuser(a,data,'user'); % store dataset info % a = setname(a,dataname); % set dataset name if ~isfield(opt{j},'labfeat') || isempty(opt{j}.labfeat) a = feat2lab(a,size(a,2)); end if savemat save(fullfile(datadir,dataname),'a'); end varargout{j} = a; end %% combine them if numel(ucinames) > 1 % multiple datasets loaded, alignment might be needed [varargout{:}] = pr_dset_align(varargout{:}); a = vertcat(varargout{:}); a = setuser(a,data,'user'); % store dataset info opt{end} = fielddef(opt{end},'dsetname',callername); if ~isfield(opt{end},'matfile') || opt{end}.matfile save(fullfile(datadir,comname),'a'); end if nargout == 1 % just combined set is requested varargout{1} = a; end end function varargout = pr_download_uci_old(name,varargin) %% take care of old definition [ucinames,form,prname,siz,nhead,misvalchar,delchar,cfeat,nosave] = ... setdefaults(varargin,{[lower(name) '.data']},[],[],[],[],'?',',',[],false); nhead = setdefaults({nhead},zeros(1,numel(ucinames))); % headerlines to be skipped if ~iscell(ucinames) ucinames = {ucinames}; end if isempty(cfeat) cfeat = repmat({[]},1,numel(ucinames)); end if ~iscell(cfeat) cfeat = repmat({cfeat},1,numel(ucinames)); end prname = setdefaults({prname},callername(1)); prname = setdefaults({prname},lower(name)); thisdir = fileparts(which(mfilename)); if isempty(siz) % no sizes given, make all 0 siz = zeros(1,numel(ucinames)); end varargout = cell(1,numel(ucinames)); anynew = false; filenames = cell(1,numel(ucinames)); for j=1:numel(ucinames) uciname = ucinames{j}; if numel(ucinames) > 1 dataname = [prname '_' num2str(j)]; else dataname = prname; end filenames{j} = fullfile(fullfile(thisdir,'data'),dataname); if exist([filenames{j} '.mat'],'file') == 2 % if mat-file is available, use it s = load([filenames{j} '.mat']); f = fieldnames(s); a = getfield(s,f{1}); else if ~exist('data','var') % get UCI info data = parselink(name); if ~data.misval % avoid checking missing values if not needed misvalchar = []; end url = data.url; end if strcmp(uciname(1:4),'http') % full url given, use it data.url = uciname; else % construct url from UCI info data.url = [url uciname]; end % do the real work a = pr_download(data.url,filenames{j},siz(j),nhead(j),form,misvalchar,delchar,true); if ischar(cfeat{j}) labfile = [filenames{j} '_lab']; % old call to pr_download labs = +pr_download([url cfeat{j}],labfile,0,[],[],[],[],true); if isempty(labs) || size(labs,1) ~= size(a,1) warning(['No correct label file found: ' [url cfeat{j}]]); else delete([labfile '.dat']); a = setlabels(a,+labs); end else if isempty(cfeat{j}) % find labels and use them a = feat2lab(a,size(a,2)); elseif cfeat{j} ~= 0 a = feat2lab(a,cfeat{j}); end end a = setuser(a,data,'user'); % store dataset info a = setname(a,dataname); % set dataset name save([filenames{j} '.mat'],'a'); % save it anynew = true; end varargout{j} = a; end if anynew && numel(ucinames) > 1 % multiple datasets loaded, alignment might be needed [varargout{:}] = pr_dset_align(varargout{:}); for j=1:numel(ucinames) a = varargout{j}; if ~nosave save(filenames{j},'a'); end end end function data = parselink(link) %% Parse info from a particular UCI ML data set % data.link : url of the particular data set pages % data.info : url of the data set info page % data.url : url of the data set data files (excluding the filename, as % there might be more files and their names ar irregular) % data.desc : the problem infor as given in the abstract; % data.misval : true/false for missing values % data.type : feature types (categorical / integer / real) link = ['http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/' link]; desc = urlread(link); k = strfind(desc,'Download'); s = desc(k:k+250); k = strfind(s,'"'); url = ['http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/' s(k(1)+4:k(2)-1)]; info = ['http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/' s(k(5)+3:k(6)-1)]; k1 = strfind(desc,'Abstract'); if ~isempty(k1) k2 = strfind(desc(k1+12:end),'

'); descr = desc(k1+14:k1+k2+10); end k = strfind(desc,'Attribute Characteristics:

'); type = desc(k+64:k+150); k = strfind(type,'