%MNIST The MNIST database as a PRTools dataset % % [TRAIN,TEST] = MNIST % TRAIN_TEST = MNIST % % The MNIST database as supplied by Yann LeCun in PRTools format. It % contains of 10 classes of handwritten digits of 28 x 28 pixels. % The trainset has 60000 digits and the testset 1000. % % SEE ALSO PRTools Guide, Original Website % PRTOOLS, DATASETS, SHOW function varargout = mnist varargout = cell(1,nargout); [varargout{:}] = pr_loadmatfile; if isempty(varargout{1}) a = pr_getdata(['http://prtools.tudelft.nl/prdatafiles/MNIST_train.zip'],42,'mnist_train','',1); b = pr_getdata(['http://prtools.tudelft.nl/prdatafiles/MNIST_test.zip'],[],'mnist_test','',0); % Note that these are datafiles user.desc = ['This is the trainset of MNIST.']; user.link = ['http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/']; a = setuser(a,user)*datasetm; % convert to dataset user.desc = ['This is the testset of MNIST.']; user.link = ['http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/']; b = setuser(b,user)*datasetm; % convert to dataset a = setname(a,'MNIST'); b = setname(b,'MNIST'); % save separate and combined files [varargout{:}] = pr_savematfile(a,b); end