%HEART 303 objects with 13 features in 2 classes % % X = HEART; % % Heart-Cleveland dataset from the Hungarian Institute of Cardiology. % Budapest: Andras Janosi, M.D. % % X = HEART(VAL); % % Per default the missing values are replaced by -1. When you want to % do something else, use one of the options in missingvalues.m. function x = heart(val) prdatasets(mfilename,1,'http://prtools.org/prdatasets/heart.dat'); if nargin<1 val = 'remove'; end user.desc='The Cleveland database from the Heart Disease Databases from UCI. The class disease-presence is used as target class. '; user.link = 'ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/machine-learning-databases/heart-cleveland/'; cl = {'absent' 'present'}; fl = {'age' 'sex' 'cp' 'trestbps' 'chol' 'fbs' 'restecg' ... 'thalach' 'exang' 'oldpeak' 'slope' 'ca' 'thal'}; fd = {[0 inf; 0 inf] [0 1] [1 2 3 4] [0 inf; 0 inf] [0 inf; 0 inf]... [0 1] [0 1 2] [0 inf; 0 inf] [0 1] [0 inf; 0 inf] [1 2 3] [-1 0 1 2 3] [3 6 7]}; a = load('heart.dat'); lab = (a(:,end)>0); x = pr_dataset(a(:,1:(end-1)),cl(lab+1)); x = setfeatlab(x,fl); x = setname(x,'Heart Cleveland'); x = setfeatdom(x,fd); [x,msg] = prmissingvalues(x,val); user.desc = [user.desc msg]; x = setuser(x,user); return