%CREDIT Credit card approval data %PRTools dataset import from UCI, 690 objects, 15 mixed features, 2 classes % % A = CREDIT % %DESCRIPTION %This command downloads one of the UCI data sets, converts it into PRTools %format and stores it locally for future use. Consult the related website %for further information. Please make the appropriate references in %publications that make use of this dataset. % %This dataset contains a number of categorical features with N > 2 %categories. They may be converted to N new real features by CAT2REAL. % %There are missing values, coded by NaNs. They may be handled by MISVAL. % %SEE ALSO PRTools Guide, UCI Website %PRTOOLS, DATASETS, SETFEATDOM, MISVAL, CAT2REAL % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin function a = credit form = '%s%n%n%s%s%s%s%n%s%s%n%s%s%n%n%s'; form = 'cnnccccnccnccnnc'; a = pr_download_uci('Credit+Approval','crx.data',form); a = setname(a,'Credit Approval Dataset');