% PRDATASETS: Pattern Recognition Datasets in PRTools format % Version 3.0.2 07-Jan-2020 % %Feature based labeled datasets %------------------------------ %name objects feats classes %abalone 4177 8 28 Abalone Age Estimation %adult 45222 14 2 Census Income Original %annealing 898 9 5 Steel Annealing Data %arcene 200 10000 2 Arcene Mass Spectra %arrhythmia 452 275 13 Arrhythmia normal %audiology 226 63 24 Standardized Audiology %australian_sl 690 14 2 Statlog Australian Credit %auto_mpg 398 6 2 Auto MPG %balance_scale 625 4 5 Balance Scale %balloons 76 4 2 Balloons %biomed 194 5 2 Biomedical Data %breast 683 9 2 Breast Wisconsin %car 1728 6 4 Car Evaluation %cbands 12000 30 24 Chromosome Bands %census 142521 41 2 Census Income KDD %chromo 1143 8 24 Chromosome Features %cmc 1473 9 3 Contraceptive Method Choice %connect4 67557 42 3 Connect-4 Dataset %credit 690 15 2 Credit Approval Dataset %cylinderbands 540 39 2 Cylinder Bands Dataset %diabetes 768 8 2 Diabetes Dataset %ecoli 336 7 8 Ecoli Dataset %flowcyto 612 254 3 Flow Cytometry 1 %german_num_sl 1000 24 2 Statlog German Credit Num %german_sl 1000 20 2 Statlog German Credit %glass 214 9 4 Glass Identification Dataset %haberman 306 3 2 Haberman''s Survival %heart 297 13 2 Heart Cleveland %heart_sl 270 13 2 Statlog Heart %hepatitis 112 19 2 Hepatitis Data Set %imox 192 8 4 IMOX Characters %imsegment 2310 19 7 Image Segmentation %imsegment_sl 2310 19 7 Statlog Image Segmentation %ionosphere 351 34 2 Ionosphere Dataset %iris 150 4 3 Iris Dataset %isolet 7797 617 26 Isolet %letter 20000 16 16 Letter Recognition %liver 345 6 2 Liver disorder dataset %magic04 19020 10 2 Magic Gamma Telescope %malaysia 291 8 20 Malaysia Data %mammograph 961 5 2 Mammographic Mass %mfeat 2000 649 10 MFEAT Combined Features %mfeat_fac 2000 216 10 MFEAT Face Features %mfeat_fou 2000 76 10 MFEAT Fourier Features %mfeat_kar 2000 64 10 MFEAT KL Features %mfeat_mor 2000 6 10 MFEAT Morphological Features %mfeat_pix 2000 240 10 MFEAT Pixel Features %mfeat_zer 2000 47 10 MFEAT Zernike Moments %musk1 476 166 2 Musk version 1 %musk2 6598 166 2 Musk version 2 %optdigits 5620 64 10 Optical Digit Recognition %pageblocks 5473 10 5 Page Blocks %pendigits 10992 16 10 Pen Based Handwritten Digits %ringnorm 7400 20 2 Ringnorm Data %satellite 6435 36 6 Satellite dataset %satellite_sl 6435 36 6 Statlog Satellite %shuttle_sl 58000 9 7 Statlog Shuttle %sonar 208 60 2 Sonar dataset %soybean1 266 35 19 Large soybean dataset %soybean2 136 35 4 Small soybean dataset %spambase 4601 57 2 Spambase %spectf 80 44 2 Spectf Heart %spectrometer 531 101 9 Low Resolution Spectrometer %teachassist 151 5 3 Teaching Assistant Evaluation %tic_tac_toe 958 9 2 Tic Tac Toe %twonorm 7400 20 2 Twonorm Data %waveform1 5000 21 3 Simple Waveform Data %waveform2 5000 40 3 Advanced Waveform Data %wine 178 13 3 Wine Recognition %x80 45 8 3 80X Characters %yeast 1484 8 10 Protein Localization %zoo 101 16 7 Animal Recognition % %Multi-band images (pixels are objects, bands are features) %---------------------------------------------------------- %name pixels bands classes %emim 128*128 8 1 A seto of 5 8-band EM images %lena 256*256 3 1 full-color image %texturel 5*128*128 7 5 texture features of 5 different images %texturet 256*256 7 5 composite texture image % %Image datasets (pixels are features, images are objects) %-------------------------------------------------------- %name images pixels classes %kimia 216 64*64 18 resampled Kimia dataset of silhouettes %mnist 70000 28*28 10 MNIST8 Reduced Digits %mnist8 70000 8*8 10 MNIST digits %nist16 2000 16*16 10 normalized NIST digits %nist32 5000 32*32 10 resemapled MNIST digits % %Most datasets are based on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.