1 | function varargout = sg(varargin) |
2 | % |
3 | % |
4 | % Filter creating: |
5 | % CM = sg(w, p, m) |
6 | % |
7 | % Filter applying: |
8 | % Y_hat = sg(CM, Y) |
9 | % Y_hat = sg(CM, Y, dim) |
10 | % |
11 | % Filter creating & applying: |
12 | % [Y_hat, CM] = sg(w, p, m, Y) |
13 | % [Y_hat, CM] = sg(w, p, m, Y, dim) |
14 | % |
15 | % |
16 | % w window size in points; w must be: (odd & 3 <= w < d) or (w == d); |
17 | % (d is the size of the dimension of the input matrix Y along which it should be filtered, |
18 | % if Y is not supplied, it is assumed that d == inf) |
19 | % |
20 | % p polynom order p=0,1,2,... |
21 | % |
22 | % m derivative order m=0,1,2... |
23 | % |
24 | % Y matrix which should be smoothed/differinate; |
25 | % by default (i.e. if the parameter dim is not supplied) |
26 | % filtering will be applied to the first non-singleton dimension; |
27 | % |
28 | % dim selects the dimension along which Y should be filtered |
29 | % |
30 | % |
31 | % CM coefficient matrix (filter) |
32 | % Y_hat result matrix |
33 | % |
34 | |
35 | % Copyright: S.Verzakov, serguei@ph.tn.tudelft.nl |
36 | % Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology |
37 | % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands |
38 | |
39 | % $Id: sg.m,v 1.9 2007/03/15 16:10:24 serguei Exp $ |
40 | |
41 | if nargout > 0 |
42 | varargout(1:nargout) = {[]}; |
43 | end |
44 | |
45 | Y_hat = []; |
46 | CM = []; |
47 | |
48 | w = []; |
49 | p = []; |
50 | m = []; |
51 | Y = []; |
52 | dim = []; |
53 | |
54 | d = []; |
55 | |
56 | create_filter = 0; |
57 | apply_filter = 0; |
58 | |
59 | switch length(varargin) |
60 | case 2 |
61 | %Y_hat = sg(CM, Y) |
62 | apply_filter = 1; |
63 | CM = varargin{1}; |
64 | Y = varargin{2}; |
65 | |
66 | case 3 |
67 | %CM = sg(w, p, m) |
68 | if all(size(varargin{1}) == 1) |
69 | create_filter = 1; |
70 | w = varargin{1}; |
71 | p = varargin{2}; |
72 | m = varargin{3}; |
73 | |
74 | %Y_hat = sg(CM, Y, dim) |
75 | else |
76 | apply_filter = 1; |
77 | CM = varargin{1}; |
78 | Y = varargin{2}; |
79 | dim = varargin{3}; |
80 | end |
81 | |
82 | case 4 |
83 | %[Y_hat, CM] = sg(w, p, m, Y) |
84 | create_filter = 1; |
85 | apply_filter = 1; |
86 | w = varargin{1}; |
87 | p = varargin{2}; |
88 | m = varargin{3}; |
89 | Y = varargin{4}; |
90 | |
91 | case 5 |
92 | %[Y_hat, CM] = sg(w, p, m, Y, dim) |
93 | create_filter = 1; |
94 | apply_filter = 1; |
95 | w = varargin{1}; |
96 | p = varargin{2}; |
97 | m = varargin{3}; |
98 | Y = varargin{4}; |
99 | dim = varargin{5}; |
100 | |
101 | otherwise |
102 | error('Invalid number of input parameters'); |
103 | end |
104 | |
105 | |
106 | if apply_filter |
107 | if ~isempty(dim) |
108 | if floor(dim) ~= dim | dim < 1 | dim > length(size(Y)) |
109 | error('dim must be integer, >=1, <=length(size(Y))'); |
110 | end |
111 | else |
112 | dim = size(Y); |
113 | dim = find(dim > 1); |
114 | |
115 | if isempty(dim) |
116 | error('Filter cannot be applied to the scalar Y'); |
117 | end |
118 | |
119 | dim = dim(1); |
120 | end |
121 | |
122 | d = size(Y,dim); |
123 | |
124 | if d < 3 |
125 | error('size(Y,dim) must be >= 3'); |
126 | end |
127 | end |
128 | |
129 | |
130 | if create_filter |
131 | if ~isempty(d) |
132 | if floor(w) ~= w | mod(w,2) == 0 | w < 3 |
133 | error('w must be odd integer >=3'); |
134 | end |
135 | else |
136 | if (floor(w) ~= w | mod(w,2) == 0 | w < 3 | w > d) & w ~= d |
137 | error('w must be (odd integer >=3, <=size(Y,dim)) or ==size(Y,dim)'); |
138 | end |
139 | end |
140 | |
141 | M = floor(w/2); |
142 | |
143 | if floor(p) ~= p | p < 0 |
144 | error('p must be 0,1,2...'); |
145 | end |
146 | |
147 | if floor(m) ~= m | m < 0 |
148 | error('m must be 0,1,2...'); |
149 | end |
150 | |
151 | if m > p |
152 | Y_hat = zeros(size(Y)); |
153 | CM = zeros(3); |
154 | |
155 | WarnMsg = 'Derivative order is greater than order of approximating polinomial'; |
156 | if exist('prwarning') |
157 | prwarning(1, WarnMsg); |
158 | else |
159 | warning(WarnMsg); |
160 | end |
161 | |
162 | else |
163 | X = repmat([(-M):(w-M-1)]',[1 p]); |
164 | X = [fliplr(cumprod(X,2)) ones(w,1)]; |
165 | |
166 | CM = (X'*X)\X'; |
167 | %CM = X\eye(w); |
168 | CM = CM(1:p-m+1,:); |
169 | |
170 | if m == 0 |
171 | CM = X*CM; |
172 | else |
173 | factors = zeros(1,p-m+1); |
174 | for i=m:p |
175 | factors(p-i+1) = prod([1 (i-m+1):i]); |
176 | end |
177 | CM = [X(:,(m+1):(p+1))].*repmat(factors,[w 1])*CM; |
178 | end |
179 | end |
180 | end |
181 | |
182 | |
183 | if apply_filter & isempty(Y_hat) |
184 | cms = size(CM); |
185 | |
186 | if cms(1) ~= cms(2) |
187 | error('size(CM,1) must be equal size(CM,2)'); |
188 | elseif (mod(cms(2),2) == 0 | cms(2) < 3 | cms(2) > d) & cms(2) ~= d |
189 | error('size(CM,2) must be (odd, >=3, <=size(Y,dim)) or == size(Y,dim)'); |
190 | end |
191 | |
192 | w = cms(2); |
193 | M = floor(w/2); |
194 | |
195 | ys = size(Y); |
196 | order = [1:length(ys)]; |
197 | order(1) = dim; |
198 | order(dim) = 1; |
199 | Y = permute(Y,order); |
200 | ysn = size(Y); |
201 | |
202 | CM_b = CM(1:M,:); |
203 | CM_m = CM((M+1):(end-M),:); |
204 | CM_e = CM((end-M+1):end,:); |
205 | |
206 | Y_b = reshape(CM_b * Y(1:w,:), [M ysn(2:end)]); |
207 | |
208 | if isempty(CM_m) |
209 | Y_m = []; |
210 | else |
211 | Y_m = filter(fliplr(CM_m), 1, Y); |
212 | Y_m = reshape(Y_m(w:end,:),[(ysn(1)-2*M) ysn(2:end)]); |
213 | end |
214 | |
215 | Y_e = reshape(CM_e * Y((end-w+1):end,:), [M ysn(2:end)]); |
216 | clear Y; |
217 | |
218 | Y_hat = permute([Y_b; Y_m; Y_e], order); |
219 | clear Y_b Y_m Y_e; |
220 | end |
221 | |
222 | |
223 | if create_filter & apply_filter |
224 | varargout(1:2) = {Y_hat, CM}; |
225 | |
226 | elseif create_filter |
227 | varargout(1) = {CM}; |
228 | |
229 | elseif apply_filter |
230 | varargout(1) = {Y_hat}; |
231 | end |
232 | |
233 | varargout = varargout(1:nargout); |
234 | return; |