1 | %GETMAPPING returns a structure containing a mapping table for LBP codes.
3 | % structure containing a mapping table for
4 | % LBP codes in a neighbourhood of SAMPLES sampling
5 | % points. Possible values for MAPPINGTYPE are
6 | % 'u2' for uniform LBP
7 | % 'ri' for rotation-invariant LBP
8 | % 'riu2' for uniform rotation-invariant LBP.
9 | %
10 | % Example:
11 | % I=imread('rice.tif');
12 | % MAPPING=getmapping(16,'riu2');
13 | % LBPHIST=lbp(I,2,16,MAPPING,'hist');
14 | % Now LBPHIST contains a rotation-invariant uniform LBP
15 | % histogram in a (16,2) neighbourhood.
16 | %
17 |
18 | function mapping = getlbpmap(samples,mappingtype)
19 | % Version 0.1.1
20 | % Authors: Marko Heikkilä and Timo Ahonen
21 |
22 | % Changelog
23 | % 0.1.1 Changed output to be a structure
24 | % Fixed a bug causing out of memory errors when generating rotation
25 | % invariant mappings with high number of sampling points.
26 | % Lauge Sorensen is acknowledged for spotting this problem.
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 | table = 0:2^samples-1;
31 | newMax = 0; %number of patterns in the resulting LBP code
32 | index = 0;
33 |
34 | if strcmp(mappingtype,'u2') %Uniform 2
35 | newMax = samples*(samples-1) + 3;
36 | for i = 0:2^samples-1
37 | j = bitset(bitshift(i,1,samples),1,bitget(i,samples)); %rotate left
38 | numt = sum(bitget(bitxor(i,j),1:samples)); %number of 1->0 and
39 | %0->1 transitions
40 | %in binary string
41 | %x is equal to the
42 | %number of 1-bits in
43 | %XOR(x,Rotate left(x))
44 | if numt <= 2
45 | table(i+1) = index;
46 | index = index + 1;
47 | else
48 | table(i+1) = newMax - 1;
49 | end
50 | end
51 | end
52 |
53 | if strcmp(mappingtype,'ri') %Rotation invariant
54 | tmpMap = zeros(2^samples,1) - 1;
55 | for i = 0:2^samples-1
56 | rm = i;
57 | r = i;
58 | for j = 1:samples-1
59 | r = bitset(bitshift(r,1,samples),1,bitget(r,samples)); %rotate
60 | %left
61 | if r < rm
62 | rm = r;
63 | end
64 | end
65 | if tmpMap(rm+1) < 0
66 | tmpMap(rm+1) = newMax;
67 | newMax = newMax + 1;
68 | end
69 | table(i+1) = tmpMap(rm+1);
70 | end
71 | end
72 |
73 | if strcmp(mappingtype,'riu2') %Uniform & Rotation invariant
74 | newMax = samples + 2;
75 | for i = 0:2^samples - 1
76 | j = bitset(bitshift(i,1,samples),1,bitget(i,samples)); %rotate left
77 | numt = sum(bitget(bitxor(i,j),1:samples));
78 | if numt <= 2
79 | table(i+1) = sum(bitget(i,1:samples));
80 | else
81 | table(i+1) = samples+1;
82 | end
83 | end
84 | end
85 |
86 | mapping.table=table;
87 | mapping.samples=samples;
88 | mapping.num=newMax;