1 | %SELEIGS Select eigenvalues from a list
2 | %
3 | % J = SELEIGS(L,ALF)
4 | %
5 | % INPUT
6 | % L List of eigenvalues
7 | % ALF Parameter determining the dimensionality and the eigenvalue-based mapping
8 | % (0,1) - fraction of the total (absolute value) preserved variance
9 | % Inf - no dimensionality reduction, keeping all dimensions (it's noisy)
10 | % 'p' - projection into a Euclidean space based on positive eigenvalues only
11 | % 'PARp' - projection into a Euclidean space based on the PAR fraction of
12 | % positive eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.9p'
13 | % 'n' - projection into a Euclidean space based on negative eigenvalues only
14 | % 'PARn' - projection into a (negative) Euclidean space based on the PAR fraction
15 | % of negative eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.7n'
16 | % 'P1pP2n'- projection into a Euclidean space based on the P1 positive eigenvalues
17 | % and P2 negative eigenvalues; e.g. ALF = '0.7p0.1n', ALF = '7p2n'
18 | % 1 .. N - number of dimensions in total
19 | % [P1 P2] - P1 dimensions or preserved fraction of variance in the positive subspace
20 | % and P2 dimensions or preserved fraction of variance in the negative
21 | % subspace; e.g. ALF = [5 10], ALF = [0.9 0.1]
22 | %
23 | % OUTPUT
24 | % J Index of selected eigenvalues
25 | %
27 | % This is a low-level routine for PSEM, KPSEM, KPCA and PEPCA. From a list of
28 | % eigenvalues it selects the ones according to ALF.
29 | %
30 | % SEE ALSO
32 | %
33 |
34 | % Elzbieta Pekalska, e.pekalska@ewi.tudelft.nl
35 | % Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,
36 | % Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
37 |
38 |
39 | function [J,sig] = seleigs(L,alf,prec)
40 |
41 | alfstr = lower(alf);
42 |
43 | if strcmp(alfstr,'cut'),
44 | J = cuteigs(L,prec);
45 | else
46 | % Check whether alf is a string
47 | if ~isnumeric(alfstr),
48 | zp = strfind(alfstr,'p');
49 | zn = strfind(alfstr,'n');
50 | if isempty(zp), zp = 0; end
51 | if isempty(zn), zn = 0; end
52 | ALF = 0;
53 | if zp > 0,
54 | if length(zp) > 1,
55 | error('Wrong ALF.');
56 | end
57 | if zn > zp,
58 | sstr = alfstr(1:zp-1);
59 | elseif zn < zp,
60 | sstr = alfstr(zn+1:zp-1);
61 | else
62 | error('Wrong ALF.');
63 | end
64 | if ~isempty(sstr),
65 | ALF = str2num(sstr);
66 | else
67 | ALF = length(find(L>0));
68 | end
69 | end
70 | if zn > 0,
71 | if length(zn) > 1,
72 | error('Wrong ALF.');
73 | end
74 | if zn > zp,
75 | sstr = alfstr(zp+1:zn-1);
76 | elseif zn < zp,
77 | sstr = alfstr(1:zn-1);
78 | else
79 | error('Wrong ALF.');
80 | end
81 | if ~isempty(sstr),
82 | ALF = [ALF str2num(sstr)];
83 | else
84 | ALF = [ALF length(find(L<0))];
85 | end
86 | else
87 | ALF = [ALF 0];
88 | end
89 | alf = ALF;
90 | end
91 |
92 |
93 | % alf is now the number of eigenvalues
94 | if max(size(alf)) > 2 | (alf(1) == 0 & alf(2) == 0),
95 | error('Wrong ALF.')
96 | elseif max(size(alf)) == 2,
97 | J = [];
98 | Z = find(L>0);
99 | if alf(1) > 0,
100 | if ~isempty(Z),
101 | J = selnumalf(alf(1),L,Z)';
102 | else
103 | prwarning(1,'No positive dimensions are selected.');
104 | end
105 | end
106 | Z = find(L<0);
107 | if alf(2) > 0,
108 | if ~isempty(Z),
109 | J = [J; selnumalf(alf(2),L,Z)'];
110 | else
111 | prwarning(1,'No negative dimensions are selected.');
112 | end
113 | end
114 | else
115 | J = selnumalf(alf,L,1:length(L));
116 | end
117 | end
118 |
119 |
120 | if isempty(J),
121 | error('Wrong choice of ALF; the subspace cannot be found.');
122 | end
123 |
124 | I1 = find(L(J) > 0);
125 | I2 = find(L(J) < 0);
126 | sig = [length(I1) length(I2)];
127 |
128 | [ll,K1] = sort(-L(J(I1)));
129 | [ll,K2] = sort(L(J(I2)));
130 |
131 | % J - index of selected eigenvalues; SORTED:
132 | % first decreasing positive ones folowed by increasing negative ones
133 | JJ = [];
134 | if sig(1) > 0
135 | JJ = J(I1(K1));
136 | end
137 | if sig(2) > 0
138 | JJ = [JJ; J(I2(K2))];
139 | end
140 | J = JJ;
141 | return
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 | function J = selnumalf(alf,L,I)
148 |
149 | if alf >= 1,
150 | if alf == inf,
151 | cs = cumsum(abs(L(I)));
152 | nn = min(find(cs./cs(end) == 1));
153 | J = I(1:nn)';
154 | elseif alf > length(I),
155 | error('ALF is invalid.')
156 | else
157 | J = I(1:alf)';
158 | end
159 | elseif alf > 0, % alf in (0,1), percentage
160 | cs = cumsum(abs(L(I)));
161 | nn = min(find (cs./cs(end) >= alf));
162 | J = I(1:nn)';
163 | elseif alf < 0,
164 | I = I(length(I):-1:1);
165 | alf = abs(alf);
166 | if alf >= 1,
167 | if alf > length(I),
168 | error('ALF is invalid.')
169 | else
170 | J = I(1:alf)';
171 | end
172 | else % |alf| in (0,1), percentage
173 | cs = cumsum(abs(L(I)));
174 | nn = min(find (cs./cs(end) >= alf));
175 | J = I(1:nn)';
176 | end
177 | else
178 | error('Wrong ALF.');
179 | end