1 | %KSVO Kernel Support Vector Optimizer
2 | %
3 | % [V,J,T,REG] = KSVO(K,Y,C,R)
4 | %
5 | % INPUT
6 | % K Kernel or a square similarity matrix
7 | % Y Label list consisting of -1/+1
8 | % C Scalar for weighting the errors (optional; default: 1)
9 | % R Parameter: -1,0,1,2
10 | % -1 or 'flip', Changes the kernel by flipping negative eigenvalues to
11 | % positive
12 | % 0 or '', Uses the kernel as it is
13 | % 1 or 'reg', Checks positive definiteness and regularizes the kernel by
14 | % adding the minimal constant in the form of 10^i to the diagonal
15 | % 2 or 'lamreg', Checks positive definiteness and regularizes the kernel by
16 | % adding the minimal constant to the diagonal (equal to the magnitude of
17 | % the smallest negative eigenvalue)
18 | % (optional; default: 0, do not change the kernel)
19 | %
20 | % OUTPUT
21 | % V Vector of weights for the support vectors
22 | % J Index vector pointing to the support vectors
23 | % T Transformation matrix for the test kernel; to be used in testing
24 | % REG Regularization parameter added to the diagonal, if used (R=1,2); a vector
25 | % of eigenvalues of K (R=-1), or -1 if not checked (R=0)
26 | %
28 | % A low level routine that optimizes the set of support vectors for a two-class
29 | % classification problem based on the kernel or similarity matrix K. KSVO is called
30 | % directly from KSVC. The labels Y should indicate the two classes by +1 and -1.
31 | % Optimization is done by a quadratic programming. If available, the QLD function
32 | % is used for a positive definite kernel, otherwise an appropriate Matlab routine.
33 | %
34 | % SEE ALSO
35 | % KSVC, SVC, SVO
36 |
37 | % Copyright: Elzbieta Pekalska, Robert P.W. Duin, ela.pekalska@googlemail.com
38 | % Based on SVC.M by D.M.J. Tax, D. de Ridder and R.P.W. Duin
39 | % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology and
40 | % School of Computer Science, University of Manchester
41 |
42 |
43 | function [v,J,T,reg,err] = ksvo(K,y,C,r)
44 | prtrace(mfilename);
45 |
46 | if (nargin < 4),
47 | r = 0; % Default: the kernel is used as provided
48 | end
49 | if (nargin < 3)
50 | prwarning(3,'Third parameter not specified, assuming 1.');
51 | C = 1;
52 | end
53 |
54 | if all(r ~= [-1,0,1,2]),
55 | error('Wrong parameter R.');
56 | end
57 |
58 | err = 0;
59 | v = []; % Weights of the SVM
60 | J = []; % Index of support vectors
61 | reg = -1; % Regularization on the diagonal or a list of eigenvalues, if used; -1, if not checked
62 | vmin = 1e-9; % Accuracy to determine when an object becomes the support object
63 | iacc = -14; % Accuracy of 10^i to determine whether the kernel is pd or not
64 | T = []; % Matrix to transform the test kernel if r = -1
65 |
66 | % Set up variables for the optimization.
67 | n = size(K,1);
68 | Ky = (y*y').*K;
69 | f = -ones(1,n);
70 | A = y';
71 | b = 0;
72 | lb = zeros(n,1);
73 | ub = repmat(C,n,1);
74 | p = rand(n,1);
75 |
76 |
77 | if r ~= 0,
78 | % Find whether the kernel is positive definite.
79 | i = -20;
80 | while (pd_check (Ky + (10.0^i) * eye(n)) == 0)
81 | i = i + 1;
82 | end
83 |
84 | if r == 1,
85 | if i > iacc, % if i is smaller, then the regularization is within numerical accuracy
86 | prwarning(1,'K is not positive definite. The diagonal is regularized by 10.0^(%d)',i);
87 | end
88 |
89 | % Make the kernel positive definite by adding a constant to the diagonal.
90 | reg = 10.0^i;
91 | Ky = Ky + (10.0^(i)) * eye(n);
92 |
93 | elseif r == 2,
94 | L = preig(Ky);
95 | L = diag(real(L));
96 | I = find(L < 0);
97 | if ~isempty(I),
98 | % Make the kernel positive definite by adding a constant to the diagonal.
99 | reg = -1.001*min(L(I));
100 | Ky = Ky + reg * eye(n);
101 | pow = round(log10(reg));
102 | if pow >= 0
103 | prwarning(1,['K is not positive definite. The diagonal is regularized by %' num2str(pow) '.2f'],reg);
104 | elseif pow > iacc,
105 | prwarning(1,['K is not positive definite. The diagonal is regularized by %0.3g'], reg);
106 | else
107 | ;
108 | end
109 | else
110 | reg = 0;
111 | end
112 |
113 | else % r = -1,
114 | % reverse the negative eigenvalues of the kernel K
115 | if i >= iacc,
116 | [Q,L] = preig(K);
117 | Q = real(Q);
118 | L = diag(real(L));
119 | reg = L;
120 | if all(L >= 0),
121 | T = [];
122 | else
123 | K = Q*diag(abs(L))*Q';
124 | Ky = (y*y').*K;
125 | T = Q* diag(sign(L)) *Q'; % transformation matrix for the test kernel
126 | end
127 | else
128 | % if i < iacc, then the regularization is within numerical accuracy, so apply it
129 | Ky = Ky + (10.0^(i)) * eye(n);
130 | end
131 | end
132 | end
133 |
134 |
135 | % Minimization procedure
136 | % QP minimizes: 0.5 x'*Ky*x + f'x
137 | % subject to: Ax <= b
138 | %
139 |
140 | done = 0;
141 | if r ~= 0 & (exist('qld') == 3)
142 | prwarning(5,'QLD routine is used.')
143 | v = qld (Ky, f, -A, b, lb, ub, p, 2);
144 | done = 1;
145 | end
146 |
147 | if r == 0 | ~done,
148 | if (exist('quadprog') == 2)
149 | prwarning(5,'Matlab QUADPROG is used.')
150 | opt = optimset;
151 | opt.Diagnostics = 'off';
152 | opt.LargeScale = 'off';
153 | opt.Display = 'off';
154 | opt.MaxIter = 500;
155 | v = quadprog(Ky, f, [], [], A, b, lb, ub,[],opt);
156 | else
157 | error(5,'KSVC requires Matlab 6.x')
158 | end
159 | end
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 | % Compute the square pseudo-norm of the weights in the corresponding
164 | % Hilbert/Krein space. If it is negative (which may happen for a highly
165 | % indefinite kernel), then the SVM is not proper.
166 |
167 | vnorm = v'*Ky*v;
168 | if vnorm < 0 | abs(vnorm) < 10^iacc,
169 | prwarning(1,'SVM: ||w||^2_PE < 0. The SVM is not properly defined. Pseudo-Fisher is computed instead.');
170 | err = 1;
171 | v = prpinv([K ones(n,1)])*y;
172 | J = [1:n]';
173 | return;
174 | end
175 |
176 |
177 | % Find all support vectors SVs.
178 | J = find(v > vmin);
179 |
180 | % First find the SVs on the boundary
181 | I = find((v > vmin) & (v < C-vmin));
182 | Ip = find(y(I) == 1);
183 | Im = find(y(I) == -1);
184 |
185 | if (isempty(v) | isempty(Ip) | isempty(Im))
186 | prwarning(1,'Quadratic Optimization failed. Pseudo-Fisher is computed instead.');
187 | err = 1;
188 | v = prpinv([K ones(n,1)])*y;
189 | J = [1:n]';
190 | return;
191 | end
192 |
193 |
194 | v = y.*v;
195 |
196 | % Find the output for the SVs:
197 | out = y(I)-(K(I,J)*v(J));
198 | b = mean(out);
199 | v = [v(J); b];
200 | return;