1 | %GENBALLD Generate ball distance matrix
2 | %
3 | % D = GENBALLD(N,K,E)
4 | %
5 | % N 1xC vector with number of objects per class
6 | % K Dimensionality
7 | % E 1xC with ball sizes, default: class number/100
8 | %
9 | % This routine generates C classes of balls in a K-dimensional hypercube
10 | % with edges of length 1. The radii for class n is given in E(n). Balls do
11 | % not intersect. The distances between the ball surfaces are returned in D.
12 |
13 | function d = genballd(n,k,e)
14 |
15 | c = length(n); % number of classes
16 | if nargin < 2, k = 1; end
17 | if nargin < 3, e = [1:c]/100; end
18 | m = sum(n);
19 |
20 | x = 100*rand(m,k); % to avoid numerical inaccurcies
21 | r = [];
22 | for j=1:c
23 | r = [r; e(j).*ones(n(j),1)];
24 | end
25 | %r = r*100;
26 |
27 | d = sqrt(distm(x)) - repmat(r,1,m) - repmat(r',m,1);
28 | d = d - diag(diag(d));
29 | attempts = 0;
30 | while(any(d(:)<0))
31 | for j=2:m
32 | while any(d(j,:) < 0)
33 | attempts = attempts + 1;
34 | if attempts > 50*m
35 | error('No solution found, shrink ball sizes or number of balls, or enlarge dimensionality')
36 | end
37 | x(j,:) = 100*rand(1,k);
38 | d(j,:) = sqrt(distm(x(j,:),x)) - repmat(r(j),1,m) - repmat(r',1,1);
39 | d(:,j) = d(j,:)';
40 | d(j,j) = 0;
41 | end
42 | end
43 |
44 | end
45 |
46 | labs = genlab(n);
47 | d = dataset(d,labs);
48 | d = setfeatlab(d,labs);
49 | d = setprior(d,0);
50 | desc = ['This dataset has been generated by the DisTools command GENBALLD(['...
51 | num2str(classsizes(d)) '], ' int2str(k) ', [' num2str(e) ']) which generates the' ...
52 | ' given numbers of ' int2str(k) '-D balls with sizes [' num2str(e) '] in a' ...
53 | int2str(k) '-D hypercube. Balls do not overlap. Dissimilarities are computed as the' ...
54 | ' shortest distance between two points on the surface of two balls.' ...
55 | ' The intention is to study strong examples in which non-Euclidean dissimilarities are informative.'];
56 | ref = {['E. Pekalska, A. Harol, R.P.W. Duin, D. Spillman, and H. Bunke, Non-Euclidean'...
57 | ' or non-metric measures can be informative, in: D.-Y. Yeung et al., Proc. SSSPR2006'...
58 | ' Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., vol. 4109, Springer, Berlin, 2006, 871-880.'], ...
59 | ['R.P.W. Duin, E. Pekalska, A. Harol, W.J. Lee, and H. Bunke, On Euclidean'...
60 | ' corrections for non-Euclidean dissimilarities, in: N. da Vitoria Lobo et al.,'...
61 | ' Proc. SSSPR2008, Lecture Notes in Comp.Sc., vol. 5342, Springer, Berlin, 2008, 551-561.'], ...
62 | ['J. Laub, V. Roth, J.M. Buhmann, K.R. Mueller, On the information'...
63 | ' and representation of non-euclidean pairwise data, Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, 2006, 1815-1826.']};
64 | link = {'The PRTools version of the data:','http://prtools.org/files/CoilYork.zip'; ...
65 | 'The DisTools package which contains the routine','http://prtools.org/files/DisTools.zip'};
66 | d = setname(d,'Ball Dissimilarities');
67 | d = setuser(d,desc,'desc');
68 | d = setuser(d,ref,'ref');
69 | d = setuser(d,link,'link');