1 | %DSPATH Single Shortest Path in a (Dissimilarity) Graph
2 | %
3 | % [D,P] = DSPATH (A,i,j)
4 | %
5 | % INPUT
6 | % A NxN Weight / dissimilarity matrix or dataset
7 | % i,j Vertices for which the shortest path should be found
8 | %
9 | % OUTPUT
10 | % D Distance of the shortest path
11 | % P List of edges of the shortest path
12 | %
14 | % Determines the shortest path between two vertices i and j. The Dijkstra's
15 | % algorithm is used. Currently, it is not optimized fro speed in Matlab.
16 | % A is a NxN matrix of weights (or a distance matrix) representing a graph
17 | % G(V,E). V is a set of vertices, |V| = N, and E is a set of edges. If there
18 | % is no edge between i and j then A(i,j) = INF. Use DSPATHS(A,'F') if all
19 | % shortest paths should be computed.
20 | %
21 | % SEE ALSO
22 | % DSPATHS
23 | %
25 | % Any book on graph algorithms or basic algorithms in computer science.
26 |
27 | % Elzbieta Pekalska, ela.pekalska@googlemail.com
28 | % Faculty of EWI, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and
29 | % School of Computer Science, University of Manchester
30 |
31 |
32 | function [d, pt] = dspath(A,s,t)
33 |
34 | A = +A;
35 | [n,m] = size(A);
36 |
37 | I = (1:n);
38 | dmin(I) = 1e10;
39 | final(I) = 0;
40 | pred(I) = -1;
41 |
42 |
43 | I(s) = [];
44 | dmin(s) = 0;
45 | final(s) = 1;
46 | last = s;
47 |
48 | while ~final(t)
49 | dminnew = dmin(last) + A(last,I);
50 | Z = find(dminnew < dmin(I));
51 | dmin(I(Z)) = dminnew(Z);
52 | pred(I(Z)) = last;
53 | [ss,last] = min(dmin(I));
54 | last = I(last);
55 | final(last) = 1;
56 | I = setdiff(I,last);
57 | end
58 |
59 | if nargout > 1,
60 | if pred(t) ~= -1 % there is a path
61 | k = t;
62 | pt = t;
63 | while k ~= s,
64 | pt = [pred(k) pt];
65 | k = pred(k);
66 | end
67 | else
68 | pt = [];
69 | end
70 | end
71 |
72 | d = dmin(t);
73 | return;