%DISCHECK Dissimilarity Matrix Check % % N = DISCHECK(D) % OR % N = DISCHECK(D,LABLIST,FLAG) % % INPUT % D NxN dissimilarity matrix or dataset % LABLIST List of labels % FLAG 0 - check square dissimilarity matrix % 1 - check square similarity matrix % % OUTPUT % N 1/0 if D is/isnot a proper dissimilarity matrix % % DESCRIPTION % Returns error if % - D is not a square dissimilarity matrix with feature labels % equal to object labels or feature labels of D are not in LABLIST. % - FLAG==0 & there are non-zero elements on the diagonal of D % - FLAG==0 & there are negative values in D % % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.duin@ieee.org % and Elzbieta Pekalska, ela.pekalska@googlemail.com % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology and % School of Computer Science, University of Manchester function out = discheck(D,lablist,flag) if nargin < 3, flag = 0; end if nargin < 2 | isempty(lablist) [m,k,c] = getsize(D); lablist = getlablist(D); featlist = getfeatlab(D); if m ~= k if nargout == 0 error('Square (dis)similarity matrix D is expected.') else out = 0; return end end else featlist = getfeat(D); c = size(lablist,1); end [nn,nf,fl] = renumlab(lablist,featlist); if max(nf) > c if nargout == 0 error('Feature labels do not match the class labels.') else out = 0; return end end if any(+D < 0) & ~flag, if nargout == 0 error('Dissimilarities should be nonnegative.') else out = 0; return end end dd = diag(+D); if any(dd ~= 0) & ~flag, if max(dd) < 1e-5 & min(dd) >= 0 D(1:m+1:end) = 0; prwarning(3,'The diagonal has small non-zero values. They are set to zero.'); else if nargout == 0 error('The diagonal of D should be a zero vector.') else out = 0; return end end end if nargout > 0 out = 1; end return;