%CHECKSUBEUCL Find probabilities for non-Euclidean subsets % % NEP = CHECKSUBEUCL(D,N) % % For every size of subsets of the dissimilarity matrix D at random % N of such subsets are taken and checked on their Euclideaness. % In NEP(n) the fraction of non-Euclidean subsets is returned for % subsets of size n. Default N = 500. % SEE ALSO % PSEM, CHECKEUCL, CHECKTR % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@prtools.org % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands function nep = checksubeucl(d,reps) if nargin < 2 | isempty(reps), reps = 500; end discheck(d) m = size(d,1); d = prdataset(+d,1); d = setfeatlab(d,ones(m,1)); [nef ner] = checkeucl(d); nep = zeros(1,m); if ner > 1e-6 s = sprintf('Check sub-euclidean probs %i trials: ',reps); prwaitbar(reps,s); for n=1:reps prwaitbar(reps,n,[s int2str(n)]); J = randperm(m); for j=3:m [nef ner] = checkeucl(d(J(1:j),J(1:j))); if ner>1e-6 nep(j:end) = nep(j:end) + 1; break end end end nep = nep/reps; prwaitbar(0) end