1 | %BINDISTM Dissimilarity Matrix between Binary Vectors
2 | %
4 | %
5 | % INPUT
6 | % A NxK Binary matrix or dataset
7 | % B MxK Binary matrix or dataset (optional; default: B=A)
8 | % TYPE Type of the similarity S (optional; default: 'J'):
9 | % 'SM', 'Simple-match': (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
10 | % 'RR', 'Russel-Rao': a/(a+b+c+d)
11 | % 'J', 'Jaccard': a/(a+b+c)
12 | % 'D', 'Dice': a/(a+0.5*(b+c))
13 | % 'SS', 'Sokal-Sneath': (a+d)/(a+0.5*(b+c)+d)
14 | % 'RT', 'Rogers-Tanimoto':(a+d)/(a+2*(b+c)+d)
15 | % 'K', 'Kulczynski': 0.5*(a/(a+b) + a/(a+c))
16 | % 'A1', 'Anderberg1': a/(a+2*(b+c))
17 | % 'A2', 'Anderberg2': 0.5*(a/(a+b) + a/(a+c) + d/(c+d) + d/(b+d))
18 | % 'H', 'Hamman': ((a+d)-(b+c))/(a+b+c+d)
19 | % 'Y', 'Yule': (a*d -b*c)/(a*d+b*c)
20 | % 'P1', 'Pearson1': (a*d)/sqrt((a+b)*(a+c)*(b+d)*(c+d))
21 | % 'P2', 'Pearson2': (a*d-b*c)/sqrt((a+b)*(a+c)*(b+d)*(c+d))
22 | % 'O', 'Ochiai': a/sqrt((a+b)*(a+c))
23 | % The distance D is computed as D=sqrt(1-S).
24 | %
25 | % Type of distance:
26 | % 'HG', 'Hamming': (b+c)
27 | % 'EU', 'Euclidean': sqrt(b+c)
28 | % 'VAR','Variance': 0.25*(b+c)/(a+b+c+d)
29 | % 'BC', 'Bray-Curtis': (b+c)/(2*a+b+c)
30 | % 'SD', 'Size-diff': (b-c)^2/(a+b+c+d)^2
31 | % 'PD', 'Pattern-diff': b*c/(a+b+c+d)^2
32 | % 'SHD','Shape-diff': ((a+b+c+d)*(b_c)-(b-c)^2)/(a+b+c+d)^2;
33 | %
34 | % OUTPUT
35 | % D NxM Dissimilarity matrix or dataset
36 | %
38 | % Distance between sets of binary vectors, A and B.
39 | % The distances which are non-metric: 'K','A2','Y','BC','SD','PD' and 'SHD'.
40 | % The distances which do not have a Euclidean behaviour: 'SS','K','A2','Y','HG',
41 | % 'VAR','BC','SD','PD' and 'SHD'. If for the similarity S defined above, D is
42 | % computed as D=1-S, then the following distances are non-metric: 'D','SS','K',
43 | % 'A2','Y','P1','P2',and 'O', and all of the distances are non-Euclidean.
44 | %
45 | % NOTE
46 | % In some cases the operations may be undefined such as 0/0. This results
47 | % in NANs which are replaced here by zeros.
48 | %
49 | % If A and B are datasets, then D is a dataset as well with the labels defined
50 | % by the labels of A and the feature labels defined by the labels of B. If A is
51 | % not a dataset, but a matrix of doubles, then D is also a matrix of doubles.
52 | %
53 | % DEFAULT
54 | % B = A
55 | % TYPE = 'J'
56 | %
58 | % J.Gower, Metric and Euclidean Properties od Dissimilarity Coefficients.
59 | % Journal of Classification, no.5, 5-48, 1986.
60 | %
61 |
62 | % Copyright: Elzbieta Pekalska, ela.pekalska@googlemail.com
63 | % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology and
64 | % School of Computer Science, University of Manchester
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | function D = bindistm(A,B,type)
69 |
70 | if nargin < 3,
71 | type = 'J';
72 | end
73 |
74 | bisa = (nargin < 2 | isempty(B));
75 | if bisa,
76 | B = A;
77 | end
78 |
79 | isda = isdataset(A);
80 | isdb = isdataset(B);
81 | a = +A;
82 | b = +B;
83 |
84 | [ra,ca] = size(a);
85 | [rb,cb] = size(b);
86 | if ca ~= cb,
87 | error ('Matrices should have equal numbers of columns.');
88 | end
89 |
90 | if any(a~=0 & a~=1) | any(b~=0 & b~=1),
91 | error('Data should be binary.');
92 | end
93 |
94 | Aij = a*b';
95 | Bij = a*(1-b)';
96 | Cij = (1-a)*b';
97 | Dij = (1-a)*(1-b)';
98 |
99 | D = [];
100 | switch lower(type)
101 | case {'hg','hamming'}
102 | D = (Bij+Cij);
103 | case {'eu','euclidean'}
104 | D = sqrt(Bij+Cij);
105 | case {'var','variance'}
106 | D = 0.25*(Bij+Cij)/ca;
107 | case {'bc','bray-curtis'}
108 | D = (Bij+Cij)./(2*Aij+Bij+Cij);
109 | case {'sd','size-diff'}
110 | D = (Bij-Cij).^2./ca^2;
111 | case {'pd','pattern-diff'}
112 | D = Bij.*Cij./ca^2;
113 | case {'shd','shape-diff'}
114 | D = (ca*(Bij_Cij)-(Bij-Cij).^2)./ca^2;
115 | %
116 | case {'sm','simple-match'}
117 | S = (Aij+Dij) ./ ca;
118 | case {'rr','russel-rao'}
119 | S = Aij ./ ca;
120 | case {'j','jaccard'}
121 | S = Aij ./ (Aij+Bij+Cij);
122 | case {'d','dice'}
123 | S = Aij ./ (Aij+0.5*(Bij+Cij));
124 | case {'ss','sokal-sneath'}
125 | S = (Aij +Dij)./ (Aij + 0.5*(Bij+Cij) + Dij);
126 | case {'a1','anderberg1'}
127 | S = Aij./ (Aij + 2*(Bij+Cij));
128 | case {'rt','rogers-tanimoto'}
129 | S = (Aij +Dij)./ (Aij + 2*(Bij+Cij)+Dij);
130 | case {'k','kulczynski'}
131 | S = 0.5*(Aij./ (Aij + Bij) + Aij./ (Aij + Cij));
132 | case {'a2','anderberg2'}
133 | S = 0.5*(Aij./ (Aij + Bij) + Aij./ (Aij + Cij) + Dij./ (Cij + Dij) + Dij./ (Bij + Dij) );
134 | case {'h','hamman'}
135 | S = ((Aij + Dij) - (Bij + Cij))/ca;
136 | case {'y','yule'}
137 | S = (Aij .* Dij - Bij .* Cij) ./ (Aij .* Dij + Bij .* Cij);
138 | case {'p1','pearson1'}
139 | S = (Aij .* Dij) ./ sqrt((Aij + Bij) .* (Aij + Cij).*(Bij + Dij).*(Cij + Dij));
140 | case {'p2','pearson2'}
141 | S = (Aij .* Dij - Bij .* Cij) ./ sqrt((Aij + Bij) .* (Aij + Cij).*(Bij + Dij).*(Cij + Dij));
142 | case {'o','ochiai'}
143 | S = Aij / sqrt((Aij + Bij) .* (Aij + Cij));
144 | othwerwise
145 | error('Wrong type.');
146 | end
147 |
148 | if isempty(D),
149 | D = sqrt(1 - S);
150 | end
151 |
152 | % Replace potential NaNs by zeros
153 | D(find(isnan(D))) = 0;
154 |
155 | % Check numerical inaccuracy
156 | D(find(D<eps)) = 0;
157 |
158 | % Set object labels and feature labels
159 | if xor(isda, isdb),
160 | prwarning(1,'One matrix is a dataset and the other not. ')
161 | end
162 | if isda,
163 | if isdb,
164 | D = setdata(A,D,getlab(B));
165 | else
166 | D = setdata(A,D);
167 | end
168 | D.name = 'Distance matrix';
169 | if ~isempty(A.name)
170 | D.name = [D.name ' for ' A.name];
171 | end
172 | end
173 | return