1 |
2 | load('birds20130709.mat');
3 |
4 |
5 | w = {
6 |
7 | %milvector([],'e')*scalem([],'variance')*loglc2*classc;
8 |
9 | scalem([],'variance')*milproxm([],'meanmin')*scalem([],'variance')*loglc2;
10 |
11 |
12 | };
13 | wnames = getwnames(w);
14 |
15 | %set other parameters and storage:
16 | nrfolds = 5;
17 | nrw = length(w);
18 | err = repmat(NaN,[nrw 2 nrfolds]);
19 |
20 | % start the loops:
21 | I = nrfolds;
22 | for i=1:nrfolds
23 |
24 | dd_message(3,'%d/%d ',i,nrfolds);
25 | [x,z,I] = milcrossval(a,I);
26 |
27 | for j=1:nrw
28 | dd_message(4,'.');
29 | w_tr = x*w{j};
30 | out = z*w_tr;
31 | err(j,1,i) = out*testd;
32 | err(j,2,i) = dd_auc(out*milroc);
33 | end
34 | end
35 | dd_message(3,'\n');
36 |
37 | % and store everything nicely:
38 | if isempty(wnames) wnames = getwnames(w); end
39 | R = results(err,wnames,{'cl.error' 'AUC'},(1:nrfolds)');
40 | R = setdimname(R,'classifier','dataset','run');
41 | R = setname(R,getname(a));
42 |
43 | % And give some output to the command line:
44 | fprintf('\n%s\n\n',repmat('=',1,50));
45 | a
46 | S = average(100*R,3,'max1','dep');
47 | show(S,'text','%4.1f');
48 |