Line | |
1 | %% Input must be a spectrogram
2 |
3 | function s2 = whiten(s,fmax)
4 |
5 | %Not sure about this, but the paper seems to assume this
6 | s = abs(s);
7 |
8 | %Values output by spectrogram are already in [0, 1] range?
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | %Square root of spectrogram (of the absolute value?)
13 |
14 | %s1 = sqrt(abs(s)); %Version 1
15 | s1 = s; %Version for segmentation
16 |
17 | %For each frame, find a quantity similar to the energy"
18 |
19 | [Nf Nt] = size(s1);
20 | energy = nan(Nt,1);
21 |
22 | for t=1:Nt
23 | energy(t) = 1/fmax * sum(s1(:,t).^2);
24 | end
25 |
26 | threshold = quantile(energy, 0.2);
27 |
28 | lowestix = find(energy<threshold);
29 | %lowestenergy = energy(lowestix);
30 |
31 |
32 | P = nan(Nf,1);
33 | s2 = s1;
34 | for f=1:Nf
35 | %P(f) = sqrt(eps + sum(s1(f,lowestix).^2));
36 |
37 | P(f) = sum(s1(f,lowestix)) / length(lowestix);
38 | s2(f,:) = s1(f,:) ./P(f);
39 | end
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