[65] | 1 | % create a MIL dataset from the original WAV-files, segmentation of the |
| 2 | % spectrograms, and computation of features on the segmented regions |
| 3 | % |
| 4 | % This is the new 19 species dataset from the MLSP competition |
| 5 | |
| 6 | % some settings: |
| 7 | windowlen = 512; |
| 8 | fmax = 256; |
| 9 | intens_thr = 0.8; % remove 80% of the signal?? |
| 10 | f_min = 2000; % frequency threshold (everything below is removed) |
| 11 | |
| 12 | % load the 'meta' data like labels and filenames |
[67] | 13 | dpath = '../birds_mlsp2013/mlsp_contest_dataset/essential_data/'; |
[65] | 14 | [bagid,names] = textread(fullfile(dpath,'rec_id2filename.txt'),'%n%s','headerlines',1); |
| 15 | [bagid2,labstr] = textread(fullfile(dpath,'rec_labels_test_hidden.txt'),'%n%s','headerlines',1); |
| 16 | |
| 17 | |
[67] | 18 | %[bagid3,Itst] = |
| 19 | %textread(fullfile(dpath,'CVfolds_2.txt'),'%n%d','headerlines',1); |
| 20 | |
| 21 | %VC: Ik krijg hier foutmeldingen. textread gaat weg, dus ze raden aan om |
| 22 | %textscan te gebruiken. |
| 23 | %>Error using dataread |
| 24 | %>Trouble reading integer from file (row 1, field 2) ==> ,1\n |
| 25 | %>Error in textread (line 175) |
| 26 | %>[varargout{1:nlhs}]=dataread('file',varargin{:}); %#ok<REMFF1> |
| 27 | |
| 28 | |
| 29 | N = length(bagid2); |
| 30 | CVfile = fopen(fullfile(dpath,'CVfolds_2.txt')); |
| 31 | CVdata = textscan(CVfile, '%f,%f', N, 'headerlines',1); |
| 32 | fclose(CVfile); |
| 33 | |
| 34 | bagid3 = CVdata{1}; |
| 35 | Itst = CVdata{2}; |
| 36 | |
| 37 | |
[65] | 38 | if any(bagid~=bagid2) |
| 39 | error('Bagid''s do not match.'); |
| 40 | end |
| 41 | G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2); |
| 42 | |
| 43 | % run over the files, and get the features: |
| 44 | B = size(bagid,1); |
| 45 | x = cell(B,1); |
| 46 | baglab = zeros(B,13); |
| 47 | instlab = ''; |
| 48 | bagid = []; |
| 49 | for i=1:B |
| 50 | %load the signal; |
[67] | 51 | [signal,fs] = wavread(fullfile(dpath,'src_wavs',names{i}(2:end))); |
[65] | 52 | [S,f,t] = spectrogram(signal,windowlen,windowlen/2,fmax,fs); |
| 53 | % smooth and threshold the spectrogram: |
| 54 | I = imfilter(abs(S),G,'same'); |
| 55 | mask = (I>dd_threshold(I(:),intens_thr)); |
| 56 | mask(f<f_min) = 0; |
| 57 | % find interesting regions: |
| 58 | props = regionprops(bwlabel(mask),abs(S)); |
| 59 | bloblab = bwlabel(mask); |
| 60 | Nseg = max(unique(bloblab)); |
| 61 | |
| 62 | % run over blobs: |
| 63 | im = abs(S); |
| 64 | thisx = zeros(Nseg,7); |
| 65 | for j=1:Nseg |
| 66 | ix = (bloblab==j); |
| 67 | % compute/add some blob-properties: |
| 68 | thisx(j,:) = [props(j).Area, props(j).Centroid, props(j).BoundingBox]; |
| 69 | % don't forget: |
[67] | 70 | %bagid(end+1) = i; |
| 71 | |
| 72 | bagid = [bagid i]; |
| 73 | |
[65] | 74 | end |
| 75 | x{i} = thisx; |
| 76 | |
[67] | 77 | %Get the labels right for the training bags: |
| 78 | |
[65] | 79 | if ~Itst(i) |
[67] | 80 | %eval(['baglab(i,[',labstr{i}(2:end),'])=1;']); |
| 81 | %VC: in the text file, label numbers are 0 to 18, we want 1 to 19? |
| 82 | eval(['baglab(i,[',labstr{i}(2:end),']+1)=1;']); |
[65] | 83 | end |
| 84 | end |
| 85 | |
| 86 | % create a dataset |
| 87 | a = genmil(x); |
| 88 | % add the labels one by one: |
| 89 | ll = [... |
| 90 | 'BRCR-Brown Creeper '; |
| 91 | 'PAWR-Pacific Wren '; |
| 92 | 'PSFL-Pacific-slope Flycatcher '; |
| 93 | 'RBNU-Red-breasted Nuthatch '; |
| 94 | 'DEJU-Dark-eyed Junco '; |
| 95 | 'OSFL-Olive-sided Flycatcher '; |
| 96 | 'HETH-Hermit Thrush '; |
| 97 | 'CBCH-Chestnut-backed Chickadee'; |
| 98 | 'VATH-Varied Thrush '; |
| 99 | 'HEWA-Hermit Warbler '; |
| 100 | 'SWTH-Swainsons Thrush '; |
| 101 | 'HAFL-Hammonds Flycatcher '; |
| 102 | 'WETA-Western Tanager '; |
| 103 | 'BHGB-Black-headed Grosbeak '; |
| 104 | 'GCKI-Golden Crowned Kinglet '; |
| 105 | 'WAVI-Warbling Vireo '; |
| 106 | 'MGWA-MacGillivrays Warbler '; |
| 107 | 'STJA-Stellars Jay '; |
| 108 | 'CONI-Common Nighthawk ']; |
| 109 | |
| 110 | |
| 111 | for i=1:size(baglab,2) |
| 112 | I = ismember(bagid,find(baglab(:,i))); |
| 113 | a = addlabels(a,genmillabels(I',1),ll(i,:)); |
| 114 | end |
| 115 | % set it to the first bird: |
| 116 | a = changelablist(a,2); |
| 117 | thisll = getlablistnames(a); |
| 118 | a = setname(a,strtrim(thisll(curlablist(a),:))); |
| 119 | |
| 120 | J = Itst(bagid); |
[68] | 121 | save('birds20130709.mat', 'a', 'Itst', 'J'); |