1 | % create a MIL dataset from the original WAV-files, segmentation of the |
2 | % spectrograms, and computation of features on the segmented regions |
3 | |
4 | % some settings: |
5 | windowlen = 512; |
6 | fmax = 256; |
7 | intens_thr = 0.8; % remove 80% of the signal?? |
8 | f_min = 2000; % frequency threshold (everything below is removed) |
9 | |
10 | % load the 'meta' data like labels and filenames |
11 | dpath = fullfile(mildatapath,'birds'); |
12 | [bagid,names] = textread(fullfile(dpath,'id2filename.txt'),'%n%s','headerlines',1); |
13 | [bagid2,labstr] = textread(fullfile(dpath,'hja_birdsong_bag_labels.txt'),'%n%s','headerlines',1); |
14 | |
15 | if any(bagid~=bagid2) |
16 | error('Bagid''s do not match.'); |
17 | end |
18 | G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2); |
19 | |
20 | % run over the files, and get the features: |
21 | B = size(bagid,1); |
22 | x = cell(B,1); |
23 | baglab = zeros(B,13); |
24 | instlab = ''; |
25 | bagid = []; |
26 | for i=1:B |
27 | %load the signal; |
28 | [signal,fs] = wavread(fullfile(dpath,'wavs',names{i}(2:end))); |
29 | [S,f,t] = spectrogram(signal,windowlen,windowlen/2,fmax,fs); |
30 | % smooth and threshold the spectrogram: |
31 | I = imfilter(abs(S),G,'same'); |
32 | mask = (I>dd_threshold(I(:),intens_thr)); |
33 | mask(f<f_min) = 0; |
34 | % find interesting regions: |
35 | props = regionprops(bwlabel(mask),abs(S)); |
36 | bloblab = bwlabel(mask); |
37 | Nseg = max(unique(bloblab)); |
38 | |
39 | % run over blobs: |
40 | im = abs(S); |
41 | thisx = zeros(Nseg,2); |
42 | for j=1:Nseg |
43 | ix = (bloblab==j); |
44 | thisx(j,:) = [props(j).Area props(j).Centroid]; |
45 | % don't forget: |
46 | bagid(end+1) = i; |
47 | end |
48 | x{i} = thisx; |
49 | |
50 | % get the labels right: |
51 | eval(['baglab(i,[',labstr{i}(2:end),'])=1;']); |
52 | end |
53 | |
54 | % create a dataset |
55 | a = genmil(x); |